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U.S. State Codes
Title 16 - Health and Safety
Chapter 27. Anatomical Gift...
Subchapter II Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
Subchapter II Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
§ 2710 Definitions.
§ 2711 Persons who may execute an anatomical gift.
§ 2712 Persons who may become donees, and purposes for which anatomical gifts may be made.
§ 2713 Manner of executing anatomical gifts.
§ 2714 Delivery of document of gift.
§ 2715 Amendment or revocation of the gift.
§ 2716 Rights and duties at death.
§ 2717 Uniformity of interpretation.
§ 2718 Short title.
§ 2719 Forms [Repealed].
§ 2721 Requests for anatomical gifts.
§ 2722 Confidentiality requirement.
§ 2723 Donate Life Delaware Registry.
§ 2724 Organ donation designation on driver’s license or identification card.
§ 2725 Collaboration between departments and organ procurement organizations.
§ 2726 Liability.
§ 2727 Facilitation of anatomical gift from decedent whose death is under investigation.
§ 2728 Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Trust Fund contributions.
§ 2729 Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Trust Fund.
§ 2730 Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Board.
§ 2731 Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.