(a) Any resolution or trust agreement providing for the issuance of revenue bonds under this chapter may include any or all of the following provisions and may require the authority to adopt such resolutions or to take such other lawful action as shall be necessary to effectuate such provisions, and the authority may adopt such resolutions and take such other action:
(1) That the authority may require the owner, tenant or occupant of each lot or parcel of land who is obligated to pay rates, fees or charges for the use of or for the services furnished by any project acquired, constructed or operated by the authority under this chapter to make a reasonable deposit with the authority in advance to insure the payment of such rates, fees or charges and to be subject to application to the payment thereof if and when delinquent;
(2) That if any rates, fees or charges for the use of or for the services furnished by any project acquired, constructed or operated by the authority under this chapter shall not be paid within 30 days after the same shall become due and payable, the authority may at the expiration of such 30-day period disconnect the premises from the water and/or sewer system or otherwise suspend services and the authority may proceed to recover the amount of any such delinquent rates, fees or charges with interest, in a civil action or by foreclosure of the lien therefor;
(3) That, if any rates, fees or charges for the use and services of any sewerage system acquired, constructed or operated by the authority under this chapter shall not be paid within 30 days after the same shall become due and payable, the owner, tenant or occupant of such premises shall cease to dispose of sewage or industrial wastes originating from or on such premises by discharge thereof directly or indirectly into the sewerage system until such rates, fees or charges with interest shall be paid; that, if such owner, tenant or occupant shall not cease such disposal at the expiration of such 30-day period, any political subdivision, district, private corporation, board, body or person supplying water to or selling water for use on such premises shall cease supplying water to or selling water for use on such premises within 5 days after the receipt of notice of such delinquency from the authority; and that, if such political subdivision, district, private corporation, board, body or person shall not, at the expiration of such 5-day period, cease supplying water to or selling water for use on such premises, the authority may shut off the supply of water to such premises.
(b) There shall be lien upon real estate for the amount of any fees, rents or other charges, including tapping fees, by an authority to the owner or lessee or occupant of such real estate for the use and services for any project of the authority by or in connection with such real estate from and after the time when such fees, rents or charges are due and payable, and for the interest which may accrue thereon. Such lien shall be superior to the interest of any owner, lessee or occupant of such real estate.
(c) Such lien shall not bind or affect a subsequent bona fide purchaser of such real estate for valuable consideration without actual notice of such lien, until and except from the time that the amount of such fees, rents and charges are entered in a register or registers furnished for such purpose by and at the expense of the authority and kept in the office where deeds may be recorded in the municipality wherein the real estate or a part thereof is located. The clerk in whose office deeds may be recorded shall keep and preserve and hold available for public inspection any such register which may be delivered to the clerk by the authority and cause entries to be made and indexed therein from time to time upon certification by the authority for which the clerk shall be entitled to a fee of 5 cents per entry to be paid by the authority and added to the amount of the lien.
(d) Such lien on any real estate may be discharged by the payment to the authority of the total amount of such lien and the interest which may accrue to the date of such payment and the authority shall deliver a certificate thereof to the person paying the same, and upon presentation thereof, the clerk having the record of such lien shall mark the entry of such lien satisfied without further fee.
16 Del. C. 1953, § 1414; 49 Del. Laws, c. 417; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1.