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U.S. State Codes
Title 32 - Commerce and Eco...
Chapter 588p - Energy Conservation Loans and In...
Chapter 588p - Energy Conservation Loans and Investment in Alternative Fuels
Section 32-315 to 32-318 - Definitions. Energy conservation revolving loan account. Energy conservation loan program. Bond authorization.
Section 32-324 - Definitions.
Section 32-324a - Connecticut qualified biodiesel producer incentive account. Agreement.
Section 32-324b - Grants to qualified biodiesel producers. Grant amounts.
Section 32-324c - Application for grant.
Section 32-324d - One-time grant for biodiesel producers not yet actively engaged in production of biodiesel. Amount. Awarding of grant.
Section 32-324e - Grants to qualified biodiesel distributors: Permitted purposes. Amounts.
Section 32-324f - Guidelines for grant program.
Section 32-324g - Fuel diversification grant program. Agreement. Guidelines.
Section 32-324h - Institute for Sustainable Energy to educate consumers re biodiesel. Connecticut biodiesel link program. Posting of information on Internet.