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U.S. State Codes
Title 31 - Labor
Chapter 557 - Employment Regulation
Chapter 557 - Employment Regulation
Section 31-12 - Hours of labor of minors in manufacturing or mechanical establishments.
Section 31-13 - Hours of labor of minors in mercantile establishments.
Section 31-13a - Employer to furnish record of hours worked, wages earned and deductions. Employer to provide means to access and print electronically held records.
Section 31-13b - Visible clock required as part of time card system.
Section 31-14 - Night work of minors regulated.
Section 31-15 - Penalty.
Section 31-15a - Criminal penalty.
Section 31-16 - Night work in messenger service.
Section 31-17 - Hours of labor of minors and women in bowling alleys, shoe-shining establishments, billiard and pool rooms.
Section 31-18 - Hours of labor of minors in certain other establishments.
Section 31-19 and 31-20 - Employment of women between one a.m. and six a.m. Hours of women entertainers.
Section 31-21 - Legal day's work.
Section 31-22 - Labor Commissioner's duties of enforcement and reports.
Section 31-22m - (Formerly Sec. 31-51a). Apprenticeship. Definitions.
Section 31-22n - (Formerly Sec. 31-51b). Apprenticeship council.
Section 31-22o - (Formerly Sec. 31-51c). Powers and duties of council.
Section 31-22p - (Formerly Sec. 31-51d). Labor Commissioner's powers and duties.
Section 31-22q - (Formerly Sec. 31-51e). Program of apprentice training. Informational campaign.
Section 31-22r - Apprenticeship registration; apprentices, sponsors.
Section 31-22s - Report re feasibility of on-line apprenticeship registration system.
Section 31-22t - (Formerly Sec. 31-51j). Preclusion of apprentice training programs prohibited.
Section 31-22u - Military training evaluation.
Section 31-22v - Office of apprenticeship training. Internet web site.
Section 31-23 - Employment of minors prohibited in certain occupations. Exceptions.
Section 31-23a - Minors employed on or after October 1, 2007, deemed to have been lawfully employed.
Section 31-24 - Hazardous employment of children forbidden.
Section 31-25 - Operation of elevators by minors.
Section 31-26 and 31-27 - Employment of women before and after confinement. Seats to be provided for female employees.
Section 31-28 - Registration of manufacturing and mechanical establishments.
Section 31-29 - Manufacturing license for residential buildings.
Section 31-30 - Home workers.
Section 31-31 - Records of home workers and materials.
Section 31-32 - Penalty.
Section 31-33 - Regulation of industrial home work.
Section 31-34 - Stained glass windows.
Section 31-35 - Lighting and sanitary condition of factories and roundhouses.
Section 31-36 - Toilet room required in foundries. Penalty.
Section 31-37 - Toilet accommodations in manufacturing, mechanical and mercantile establishments and restaurants.
Section 31-38 - Toilet accommodations on tobacco plantations.
Section 31-38a and 31-38b - Sanitary, lighting and heating facilities for railroad employees. Commissioner to enforce.
Section 31-39 - Employees in paper factory to be vaccinated.
Section 31-39a - Operation of hydraulic loading and unloading equipment at resources recovery facilities.
Section 31-40 - Reporting serious accidents in establishments or work places under jurisdiction of Labor Commissioner.
Section 31-40a - (Formerly Sec. 19-48). Reports of occupational diseases and investigations concerning them.
Section 31-40b - Employers required to provide lung function tests to certain employees.
Section 31-40c - Information and notice requirements for employers using or producing carcinogens.
Section 31-40d - Complaints of violations. Inspections. Discrimination prohibited.
Section 31-40e - Order to comply. Citation. Hearing. Appeal.
Section 31-40f - Penalties. Duties of Labor Commissioner. Private right of action.
Section 31-40g - Information requirements for employers using or producing substances hazardous to reproductive systems.
Section 31-40h - Sterilization as condition of employment prohibited.
Section 31-40i - Enforcement. Private right of action.
Section 31-40j - Definitions.
Section 31-40k - Employee's right to information concerning toxic substances. Employer's list.
Section 31-40l - Information requirements for employer using or producing toxic substances.
Section 31-40m - Information requirements of supplier of toxic substances. Labor Department assistance.
Section 31-40n - Trade secret protections. Registration with Labor Commissioner.
Section 31-40o - Discrimination prohibited. Waiver of rights void.
Section 31-40p - Severability.
Section 31-40q - Smoking in the workplace. Designation of smoking rooms.
Section 31-40r - Regulations establishing guidelines for exemptions from nonsmoking area requirements.
Section 31-40s - Smoking or use of tobacco products outside of the workplace.
Section 31-40t - Employee's right to act in case of hazardous conditions. Complaints to and investigations by Labor Commissioner. Hearings. Regulations.
Section 31-40u - Regulations establishing guidelines for use of video display terminals in state facilities.
Section 31-40v - Establishment of safety and health committees by certain employers.
Section 31-40w - Breastfeeding in the workplace.
Section 31-40x - Employer inquiries re employee's or applicant's personal online accounts. Exceptions. Enforcement.
Section 31-40y - Employer harassment of and discrimination against interns prohibited.
Section 31-40z - Penalizing employees for discussion or disclosure of wage information prohibited. Enforcement.
Section 31-41 - Order to remove excessive dust.
Section 31-42 - Appliances for threading shuttles.
Section 31-43 - Public laundries; sanitation.
Section 31-44 - Penalty for violation of orders.
Section 31-45 - Emergency kits required in factories.
Section 31-45a - Protection of feet.
Section 31-46 and 31-46a - Safety regulations for workmen in building operations. Regulations for safe working conditions where no other provision; industrial safety committee.
Section 31-47 - Inspection of employee lodging houses.
Section 31-48 - Laborers not to be overcharged.
Section 31-48a - Recruitment or referral of professional strikebreaker restricted.
Section 31-48b - Use of electronic surveillance devices by employers limited. Prohibition on recording negotiations between employers and employees.
Section 31-48c - Hiring of municipal police during labor dispute prohibited.
Section 31-48d - Employers engaged in electronic monitoring required to give prior notice to employees. Exceptions. Civil penalty.
Section 31-49 - Care required of a master for his servant's safety.
Section 31-50 - Enforcement.
Section 31-50a - Noncompete agreements: Security guards.
Section 31-50b - Noncompete agreements: Broadcast employees.
Section 31-51 - Blacklisting.
Section 31-51aa - Drug testing: Effect of collective bargaining agreement.
Section 31-51a to 31-51e - Transferred
Section 31-51bb - Right of employee to pursue cause of action.
Section 31-51cc to 31-51gg - Family and medical leave: Definitions, length of leave, eligibility. Prohibition of discrimination. Regulations, report. Phase-in provisions. Report on establishment of state-wide job bank.
Section 31-51f - Participation in Manpower Development and Training Act.
Section 31-51g - Use of polygraph prohibited. Penalty. Exceptions.
Section 31-51h - Employer not to cancel insurance coverage or cease making contributions to welfare fund of employee eligible to receive or receiving workers' compensation or sick leave payments. Employer accident report. Complaint. Hearing. Appeal.
Section 31-51hh - Reimbursement by employee of any loss or shortage resulting from wrongdoing by a customer.
Section 31-51i - Employer inquiries about erased criminal record prohibited. Discrimination on basis of erased criminal record, provisional pardon or certificate of rehabilitation prohibited. Availability of information on employment application form. Duties of consumer reporting agency issuing consumer report for employment purposes containing criminal matters of public record. Complaints.
Section 31-51ii - Meal periods. Exemptions. Regulations.
Section 31-51j - Transferred
Section 31-51jj - Notice to employees of incoming emergency telephone calls.
Section 31-51k - Employment of alien not entitled to residence.
Section 31-51kk - Family and medical leave: Definitions.
Section 31-51l - Leave of absence for certain public and private employees elected to public office.
Section 31-51ll - Family and medical leave: Length of leave; eligibility; intermittent or reduced leave schedules; substitution of accrued paid leave; notice to employer.
Section 31-51m - Protection of employee who discloses employer's illegal activities or unethical practices or reports a suspected incident of child abuse or neglect. Civil action.
Section 31-51mm - Family and medical leave: Certification.
Section 31-51n - Definitions.
Section 31-51nn - Family and medical leave: Employment and benefits protection.
Section 31-51o - Continuation of group health insurance for employees affected by relocation or closing of covered establishment. Exceptions.
Section 31-51oo - Family and medical leave: Confidentiality of medical records and documents.
Section 31-51p - Membership in health care center as part of health benefits plan.
Section 31-51pp - Family and medical leave: Prohibited acts, complaints, rights and remedies.
Section 31-51q - Liability of employer for discipline or discharge of employee on account of employee's exercise of certain constitutional rights.
Section 31-51qq - Family and medical leave: Regulations.
Section 31-51r - Execution of employment promissory note prohibited.
Section 31-51rr - Family and medical leave benefits for employees of political subdivisions.
Section 31-51s - Notice to retired employees of sale of employer's business and effect on retirement benefits.
Section 31-51ss - Leave from employment for victims of family violence. Action for damages and reinstatement.
Section 31-51t - Drug testing: Definitions.
Section 31-51tt - Employer inquiries about an employee's or prospective employee's credit. Exceptions. Enforcement.
Section 31-51u - Drug testing: Requirements.
Section 31-51uu - Optional exclusion of employee health insurance premiums from gross income.
Section 31-51v - Drug testing: Prospective employees.
Section 31-51vv - Employment of person coerced to engage in such employment prohibited.
Section 31-51w - Drug testing: Observation prohibited. Privacy of results.
Section 31-51x - Drug testing: Reasonable suspicion required. Random tests.
Section 31-51y - Drug testing: Medical screenings, regulation of employees and testing of gaming participants permitted.
Section 31-51z - Drug testing: Enforcement. Damages.
Section 31-51aaa - Individual Development Account Reserve Fund: Use and administration.
Section 31-51bbb - Account funds excluded in determination of eligibility for or benefit level of certain programs.
Section 31-51ccc - Program evaluation. Report.
Section 31-51ddd - Regulations.
Section 31-51eee - Receipt of funds authorized.
Section 31-51fff - Restrictions on funding expenditures to apply.
Section 31-51ww - Individual development account programs: Definitions.
Section 31-51xx - Connecticut IDA Initiative established. Implementation.
Section 31-51yy - Eligibility. Duties of community-based organizations and financial institutions.
Section 31-51zz - Individual Development Account Reserve Fund: Funds deposited in.
Section 31-52 - Preference to state citizens in construction of public buildings. Enforcement of violations.
Section 31-52a - Residents' preference in work on other public facilities.
Section 31-52b - Exceptions.
Section 31-53 - Construction, alteration or repair of public works project by state or political subdivision; wage rates; certified payroll. Penalties. Civil action. Exceptions.
Section 31-53a - Distribution of accrued payments. Debarment list. Limitation on awarding contracts. Sworn affidavits required of subcontractors. Civil penalty. Right of action.
Section 31-53b - Worker training requirements for public works projects. Enforcement. Regulations. Exceptions.
Section 31-53c - Construction projects funded by the Department of Economic and Community Development; wage rates. Penalties.
Section 31-54 - Rate of wages for work on state highways.
Section 31-55 - Posting of wage rates by contractors doing state work.
Section 31-55a - Annual adjustments to wage rates by contractors doing state work.
Section 31-56 - Hours of labor on state bridges.
Section 31-56a - Definitions.
Section 31-56b - Project labor agreements for public works projects.
Section 31-56c - Use of project labor agreement re public school design-build contract.
Section 31-56d - Severability.
Section 31-57 - Hours of labor on construction, alteration or repair of public works project.
Section 31-57a - Awarding of contracts to National Labor Relations Act violators prohibited.
Section 31-57b - Awarding of contracts to occupational safety and health law violators prohibited.
Section 31-57c - Disqualification of certain contractors from bidding on, applying for or participating in state public works contracts: Disqualification by Commissioner of Administrative Services; procedure; causes. Exception.
Section 31-57d - Disqualification of certain contractors from bidding on, applying for or participating in public works contracts with the state: Disqualification by Commissioner of Transportation; procedure; causes. Exception permitting disqualified contractor to participate in contract or subcontract.
Section 31-57e - Contracts between the state and federally recognized Indian tribes. Employment Rights Code; protection of persons employed by a tribe.
Section 31-57f - Standard wage rate for certain service workers. Definitions. Standard rate required. Civil penalty. Complaints. Determination of standard rate by Labor Commissioner. Effect on employers bound by collective bargaining agreements. Recordkeeping requirement. Penalty for filing false certified payroll. Exemptions. Regulations.
Section 31-57g - Employment protection for displaced service contract workers at Bradley International Airport. Definitions. Obligations of awarding authority and contractors upon termination of service contract; ninety-day retention requirement; required offer of continued employment. Civil action for damages. Penalty for violations.
Section 31-57h - Joint enforcement commission on employee misclassification. Members. Duties. Report.
Section 31-57i - Employee Misclassification Advisory Board. Members. Duties.
Section 31-57r - Definitions.
Section 31-57s - Employer requirement to provide sick leave to service workers. Use of leave. Employer compliance. Rate of pay during leave.
Section 31-57t - Permitted uses for sick leave.
Section 31-57u - Additional leave. Donation of unused leave. Breaks in service.
Section 31-57v - Retaliatory personnel action prohibited. Filing of complaint with Labor Commissioner. Hearing. Penalties.
Section 31-57w - Notice to service workers of sick leave requirements. Regulations.
Section 31-57x - Paid family and medical leave program. Implementation plan. Report.