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U.S. State Codes
Title 19a - Public Health a...
Chapter 368cc - Health Care Cabinet
Chapter 368cc - Health Care Cabinet
Section 19a-710 to 19a-723 - Definitions. SustiNet Health Partnership board of directors; membership; terms; filing of statement of financial interests. Board of directors' duties re implementation of the SustiNet Plan. Development of procedures and guidelines for the Sustinet Plan; identification of funding sources; adoption of periodic action plans. Establishment of information technology advisory committee; committee recommendations re electronic medical records and electronic health records. Establishment of medical home advisory committee; committee recommendations re administration of patient-centered medical homes. Establishment of health care provider advisory committee; committee recommendations re clinical care and safety guidelines; development of hospital safety standards. Establishment of preventive health care advisory committee; board and committee recommendations re community-based preventive care services. Board recommendations re offering benefits of SustiNet Plan to various individuals in the state. Board recommendations re availability of SustiNet Plan coverage and standard benefits package. Establishment of clearing house; duties. Development of model benefit packages by Office of the Healthcare Advocate; modification of standard benefits package by the board; incentive system for employers. Board recommendations re public education and outreach campaigns. Board recommendations re methods for identifying uninsured individuals.
Section 19a-724 to 19a-724b - Office of Health Reform and Innovation: Powers and duties. All-payer Claims Database Advisory Group; state-wide multipayer data initiative. All-payer claims database program.
Section 19a-725 - Health Care Cabinet: Membership; terms; duties.