(1) Each eligible applicant that receives a matching grant pursuant to this part 3 shall submit a report or, if the matching grant extends over more than one year, an annual report to the grant review committee on the measurable outcomes achieved. The grant recipient shall include in the report at least the following measurable outcomes, if relevant to the purposes for which the matching grant was awarded:
(a) The manner in which the grant recipient has used the grant moneys to provide outreach and recruit participants in its skilled worker training program;
(b) The number of participants enrolled in the skilled worker training program, both before the matching grant was awarded and since the matching grant was received;
(c) The number of participants who completed the skilled worker training program, both before the matching grant was awarded and since the matching grant was received;
(d) The number of skilled worker training participants who obtained employment in an industry for which the participant was trained under the program, including information about the industry in which the participants are employed;
(e) The number of participants recruited; and
(f) Any other information the grant review committee determines appropriate related to measurable outcomes achieved by the grant recipient.
(2) By December 31, 2018, and by each December 31 thereafter, the grant review committee shall submit, as part of the Colorado talent pipeline report prepared pursuant to section 24-46.3-103, an annual report to the governor, the senate committee on business, labor, and technology or its successor committee, and the house of representatives committee on business affairs and labor or its successor committee. The grant review committee shall include in the report at least the following information:
(a) The number of matching grants awarded in the prior year, including the amount, recipient, and duration of each grant;
(b) The number of individuals who enrolled in and completed a skilled worker training program offered by each grant recipient;
(c) The number of individuals who obtained employment in a position that uses the skills for which they were trained through a skilled worker training program offered by a grant recipient; and
(d) Other information obtained from grant recipients pursuant to subsection (1) of this section.
(3) Section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I) does not apply to the reporting requirement specified in subsection (2) of this section.