Subject to federal law and available appropriations, within thirty days after receipt of the federal appropriation from the United States department of labor, the local elected officials from each work force development area in the state shall recommend an allocation formula for Title I and Title III money for each work force development area to be implemented in the following program year. Development of the allocation formula by the local elected officials must be facilitated through a statewide association of county commissioners. The statewide association of county commissioners shall ensure that the local elected officials from each work force development area have an opportunity to participate in the development and final approval of the recommendations for allocation formulas. The department and the state council shall provide technical assistance to the statewide association of county commissioners. The local elected officials shall recommend the allocation formula to be applied to each allocation for adult, youth, and dislocated worker services under Title I and employment services under Title III. The statewide association of county commissioners shall forward the local elected officials' recommendations to the state council pursuant to section 8-83-224 (2)(f) for review and comment. The state council shall then submit such recommendations, together with the state council's comments, to the joint budget committee of the general assembly for review and comment before forwarding such recommendations to the governor for final determination and Untied States department of labor approval. If the local elected officials cannot agree on an allocation, the local elected officials shall prepare, with comment, alternatives and the statewide association of county commissioners shall submit the alternatives to the state council for review and comment and submission to the joint budget committee, which shall select one alternative and forward it to the governor for final determination and United States department of labor approval. The local elected officials and the statewide association of county commissioners shall develop their own operational procedures. Any money received by the state under Title I and Title III of the federal act, together with any associated state full-time equivalent personnel positions, is subject to appropriation by the general assembly.