(1) (a) Any charitable organization, professional fundraising consultant, or paid solicitor who, after sufficient notification by the secretary of state, fails to properly register, renew a registration, file a financial report required by section 6-16-104 (2)(f), (4)(b), or (5), or file a financial report of a solicitation campaign under this article 16 by the end of the seventh day following the issuance of the final notice, is liable for a fine in an amount to be established by rule promulgated by the secretary of state.
(b) The secretary of state provides sufficient notification under this section if the secretary:
(I) Mails at least two notices by first-class mail to the address of record for the charitable organization, professional fundraising consultant, or paid solicitor; and
(II) If the charitable organization, professional fundraising consultant, or paid solicitor has provided the secretary with an e-mail address, sends at least two notices to that e-mail address.
(c) The fine for filing a registration renewal, financial report required by section 6-16-104 (2)(f), (4)(b), or (5), or solicitation campaign financial report late must not exceed one hundred dollars per year for charities or two hundred dollars per year for paid solicitors; except that a charitable organization that fails to timely renew its registration and fails to file the financial report required by section 6-16-104 (5) is only subject to a single fine for the failure to renew its registration.
(d) The fine for soliciting before registering must not exceed three hundred dollars per year for a charitable organization or one thousand dollars per year for paid solicitors.
(2) If a paid solicitor fails to file a solicitation notice at least fifteen days before commencing a solicitation campaign, the secretary of state shall assess against the paid solicitor, at the time the paid solicitor files the solicitation notice, a fine in an amount established in rules promulgated by the secretary of state.
(3) A fine imposed under this section is in addition to any other filing fee provided by this article.