(1) The general assembly hereby finds and declares that:
(a) Parents should provide financial support to their minor children who cannot care for themselves;
(b) The state should intervene when parents fail to meet their support obligations;
(c) Children are adversely affected when parents divert their financial support to limited gaming and pari-mutuel wagering;
(d) A parent's winnings from money diverted from a child's support should be applied to the parent's outstanding support obligations;
(e) Section 44-30-102 (1)(c) of the "Limited Gaming Act of 1991" recognizes that the limited gaming industry must be assisted in protecting the general welfare of the people of the state;
(f) Victims of crime and all the people of the state are adversely affected when criminal offenders divert restitution to limited gaming and pari-mutuel wagering;
(g) A criminal offender's winnings from money diverted from restitution should be applied to the offender's outstanding criminal court obligations;
(h) An uncollected debt to the state should be deducted from a person's winnings.