(1) "Adjusted gross proceeds", except with respect to games of poker, means the total amount of all wagers made by players on limited gaming less all payments to players; and payment to players shall include all payments of cash premiums, merchandise, tokens, redeemable game credits, or any other thing of value. With respect to games of poker, "adjusted gross proceeds" means any sums wagered in a poker hand that may be retained by the licensee as compensation and are consistent with the minimum and maximum amounts established by the Colorado limited gaming control commission.
(2) "Applicant" means any person who has applied for a license or registration under this article 30 or who has applied for permission to engage in any act or activity that is regulated by this article 30.
(3) (a) "Associated equipment" means a device, piece of equipment, or system used remotely or directly in connection with gaming or any game. The term includes a device, piece of equipment, or system used to monitor, collect, or report gaming transactions data or to calculate adjusted gross proceeds and gaming taxes.
(b) "Associated equipment" does not include equipment that meets the definition of a "gaming device" or "gaming equipment" in subsection (13) of this section.
(4) "Associated equipment supplier" means a person who imports, manufactures, distributes, or otherwise provides associated equipment for use in Colorado. The term does not include a person licensed as a slot machine manufacturer or distributor under part 5 of this article 30.
(5) "Bet" means an amount placed as a wager in a game of chance.
(6) "Blackjack" means a banking card game commonly known as "21" or "blackjack" played by a maximum of seven players in which each player bets against the dealer. The object is to draw cards whose value will equal or approach twenty-one without exceeding that amount and win amounts bet, payable by the dealer, if the player holds cards more valuable than the dealer's cards.
(7) "Certified local government" means any local government certified by the state historic preservation officer pursuant to the provisions of 54 U.S.C. sec. 302503.
(8) "Commission" means the Colorado limited gaming control commission.
(9) "Crane game" means an amusement machine that, upon insertion of a coin, bill, token, or similar object, allows the player to use one or more buttons, joysticks, or other controls to maneuver a crane or claw over a nonmonetary prize, toy, or novelty, none of which shall have a cost of more than twenty-five dollars, and then, using the crane or claw, to attempt to retrieve the prize, toy, or novelty for the player.
(10) "Craps" means a game played by one or more players against a casino using two dice, in which players bet upon the occurrence of specific combinations of numbers shown by the dice on each throw.
(11) "Director" means the director of the division of gaming.
(12) "Division" means the division of gaming.
(13) "Gaming device" or "gaming equipment" means any equipment or mechanical, electromechanical, or electronic contrivance, component, or machine used remotely or directly in connection with gaming or any game. The term includes a system for processing information that can alter the normal criteria of random selection affecting the operation, or determining the outcome, of a game. The term includes a physical or electronic version of a slot machine, poker table, blackjack table, craps table, roulette table, dice, and the cards used to play poker and blackjack.
(14) "Gaming employee" means any person employed by an operator or retailer hosting gaming to work directly with the gaming portion of the operator's or retailer's business, who shall be twenty-one years of age or older and hold a support license. Persons deemed to be gaming employees shall include, but shall not be limited to:
(a) Dealers;
(b) Change and counting room personnel;
(c) Cashiers;
(d) Floormen;
(e) Cage personnel;
(f) Slot machine repairmen or mechanics;
(g) Persons who accept or transport gaming revenues;
(h) Security personnel;
(i) Shift or pit bosses;
(j) Floor managers;
(k) Supervisors;
(l) Slot machine and slot booth personnel;
(m) Any person involved in the handling, counting, collecting, or exchanging of money, property, checks, credit, or any representative of value, including, without limitation:
(I) Any coin, token, chip, cash premium, merchandise, redeemable game credits, or any other thing of value; or
(II) The payoff from any game, gaming, or gaming device;
(n) Craps table personnel and roulette table personnel; and
(o) Any other persons that the commission shall by rule determine.
(15) "Gaming license" means any license issued by the commission pursuant to this article 30 that authorizes any person to engage in gaming within the cities of Central, Black Hawk, or Cripple Creek.
(16) "Immediate family" means a person's spouse and any children actually living with the person.
(17) "Key employee" means any executive, employee, or agent of a gaming licensee having the power to exercise a significant influence over decisions concerning any part of the operation of a gaming licensee.
(18) "Licensed gaming establishment" means any premises licensed pursuant to this article 30 for the conduct of gaming.
(19) "Licensed premises" means that portion of any premises licensed for the conduct of limited gaming. Nothing pursuant to this subsection (19) shall be construed to prohibit the affected local governing authority from otherwise determining the size of any building. In no event shall the licensed premises exceed thirty-five percent of the square footage of any building and no more than fifty percent of any one floor of the building.
(20) "Licensee" means any person licensed under this article 30.
(21) "Licensing authority" means the Colorado limited gaming control commission.
(22) "Limited card games and slot machines", "limited gaming", or "gaming" means physical and electronic versions of slot machines, craps, roulette, and the card games of poker and blackjack authorized by this article 30 and defined and regulated by the commission, each game having a maximum single bet of one hundred dollars.
(23) "Operator" means any person who places slot machines upon the person's business premises or any person who, individually or jointly, pursuant to an agreement whereby consideration is paid for the right to place slot machines on another's business premises, engages in the business of placing and operating slot machines on retail premises within the cities of Central, Black Hawk, or Cripple Creek.
(24) "Person" means an individual, partnership, business trust, government or governmental subdivision or agency, estate, association, trust, for profit corporation, nonprofit corporation, organization, or any other legal entity or a manager, agent, servant, officer, or employee thereof.
(25) (a) "Poker" means a card game played by a player or players who are dealt cards by a dealer. The object of the game is:
(I) For each player to bet the superiority of such player's hand and win the other players' bets by either making a bet no other player is willing to match or proving to hold the most valuable cards after all the betting is over; or
(II) For each player, whether by reason of the skill of the player or application of the element of chance, or both, to hold a poker hand entitled to a monetary or premium return based upon a publicly available pay schedule.
(b) In a variation of poker in which there can be more than one winning hand and the dealer's participation is necessary or desirable to improve the game for players other than the dealer, the dealer may play, but under no circumstances may the dealer place a wager in any game in which he or she is dealing. A game in which the player holding the highest-scoring hand splits his or her winnings with the player holding the lowest-scoring hand does not qualify as a "variation of poker in which there can be more than one winning hand" for purposes of this subsection (25)(b).
(26) "Repeating gambling offender" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 18-10-102 (9).
(27) "Retailer" means any licensee who maintains gaming at his or her place of business within the cities of Central, Black Hawk, or Cripple Creek for use and operation by the public.
(28) "Retail space" means the area where a retailer's business is principally conducted.
(29) "Roulette" means a game in which a ball is spun on a rotating wheel and drops into a numbered slot on the wheel, and bets are placed on which slot the ball will come to rest in.
(30) (a) "Slot machine" means any mechanical, electrical, video, electronic, or other device, contrivance, or machine which, after insertion of a coin, token, or similar object, or upon payment of any required consideration whatsoever by a player, is available to be played or operated, and that, whether by reason of the skill of the player or application of the element of chance, or both, may deliver or entitle the player operating the machine to receive cash premiums, merchandise, tokens, or redeemable game credits, or any other thing of value other than unredeemable free games, whether the payoff is made automatically from the machines or in any other manner.
(b) "Slot machine" does not include:
(I) A vintage slot machine model that:
(A) Was introduced on the market before 1984;
(B) Does not contain component parts manufactured in 1984 or thereafter; and
(C) Is not used for gambling purposes or in connection with limited gaming; or
(II) Crane games.
(31) "Slot machine distributor" means any person who imports into this state, or first receives in this state, slot machines, or who sells, leases, for a fixed or flat fee, or distributes slot machines in this state; except that "slot machine distributor" does not include operators licensed in this state.
(32) "Slot machine manufacturer" means any person who designs, assembles, fabricates, produces, constructs, or otherwise prepares a complete or component part of a slot machine, other than tables or cabinetry; except that "slot machine manufacturer" does not include licensed operators performing incidental repairs on their own slot machines or slot machines leased or distributed by them. A licensed slot machine manufacturer may sell slot machines, or components of slot machines, of its own manufacture to licensed slot machine distributors or operators. A licensed manufacturer may also import those slot machine parts or components necessary for its manufacturing operations.
(33) "Suitability" or "suitable" means, in relation to a person, the ability to be licensed by the commission and, in relation to acts or practices, lawful acts or practices.
(34) "Unsuitability or unsuitable" means, in relation to a person, the inability to be licensed by the commission because of prior acts, associations, or financial conditions, and, in relation to acts or practices, those that violate or would violate the statutes or rules or are or would be contrary to the declared legislative purposes of this article 30.
(35) "Within the cities of Central, Black Hawk, or Cripple Creek" means within the commercial district of any of those cities as specified in section 44-30-105.