(1) The department or the private entity responsible for issuing bonds under this part 2 may forward a copy of the bonds and a description of the investment opportunity for such bonds to any of the following for consideration under their respective statutory authority:
(a) The board of trustees of the public employees' retirement association created under section 24-51-202, C.R.S.;
(b) Repealed.
(c) The board of directors of the fire and police pension association, as defined in section 31-31-102 (2), C.R.S.;
(d) The boards of trustees of the firefighters' and police officers' old hire pension funds, as defined in section 31-30.5-102 (1.5), C.R.S.;
(e) The board of trustees of the volunteer firefighter pension fund, as defined in section 31-30-1102 (1), C.R.S.;
(f) Repealed.
(g) The board of directors of the university of Colorado hospital authority, as defined in section 23-21-502 (2), C.R.S.;
(h) The state treasurer for consideration under section 23-20-117.5, C.R.S.;
(i) The county boards of retirement, as described in section 24-54-107, C.R.S.;
(j) The governing boards of state colleges and universities, as defined in sections 24-54.5-102 (5) and 24-54.6-102 (4), C.R.S.; and
(k) Any employer who has established a defined contribution plan.