§ 42-4-510. Permits for excess size and weight and for manufactured homes - rules

CO Rev Stat § 42-4-510 (2018) (N/A)
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(1) (a) The department of transportation, the Colorado state patrol with respect to highways under its jurisdiction, or any local authority with respect to highways under its jurisdiction may, upon application in writing and good cause being shown therefor, issue a single trip, a special, or an annual permit in writing authorizing the applicant to operate or move a vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding the maximum specified in this article or otherwise not in conformity with the provisions of this article upon any highway under the jurisdiction of the party granting such permit and for the maintenance of which said party is responsible; except that permits for the movement of any manufactured home shall be issued as provided in subsection (2) of this section.


(I) The application for any permit shall specifically describe the vehicle and load to be operated or moved and the particular highways for which the permit to operate is requested, and whether such permit is for a single trip, a special, or an annual operation, and the time of such movement. All state permits shall be issued in the discretion of the department of transportation, subject to rules adopted by the transportation commission in accordance with this section and section 42-4-511. All local permits shall be issued in the discretion of the local authority pursuant to ordinances or resolutions adopted in accordance with section 42-4-511. Any ordinances or resolutions of local authorities shall not conflict with this section.

(II) An overweight permit issued pursuant to this section shall be available for overweight divisible loads if:

(A) The vehicle has a quad axle grouping and the maximum gross weight of the vehicle does not exceed one hundred ten thousand pounds; or

(B) The vehicle is operated in combination with a trailer or semitrailer, the trailer has two or three axles, and the maximum gross weight of the vehicle does not exceed ninety-seven thousand pounds; and

(C) The owner and operator of the motor vehicle are in compliance with the federal "Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999", Pub.L. 106-159, as amended, as applicable to commercial vehicles; and

(D) The vehicle complies with rules promulgated by the department of transportation concerning the distribution of the load upon the vehicle's axles.

(III) A permit issued pursuant to this paragraph (b) shall not authorize the operation or movement of a motor vehicle on the interstate highway in violation of federal law.


(I) A single trip or annual permit shall be issued pursuant to this section for a self-propelled fixed load crane that exceeds legal weight limits if it does not exceed the weight limits authorized by the department of transportation. A boom trailer or boom dolly shall not be permitted unless the boom trailer or boom dolly is attached to the crane in a manner and for the purpose of distributing load to meet the weight requirements established by the department. A self-propelled fixed load crane may be permitted with counterweights when a boom trailer or boom dolly is used if the counterweights do not exceed the manufacturer's rated capacity of the self-propelled fixed load crane and do not cause the vehicle to exceed permitted axle or gross weight limits. A permit issued pursuant to this paragraph (c) shall not authorize movement on interstate highways if not approved by federal law.

(II) For the purposes of this paragraph (c), "self-propelled fixed load crane" means a self-powered mobile crane designed with equipment or parts permanently attached to the body of the crane. A self-propelled fixed load crane includes, without limitation, the crane's shackles and slings.

(1.5) (a) The department of transportation may, upon application in writing or electronically made and good cause being shown therefor, issue an annual fleet permit authorizing the applicant to operate or move any two or more vehicles owned by the applicant of a size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding the maximum specified in this article or otherwise not in conformity with the provisions of this article upon any highway.

(b) The application for any annual fleet permit shall specifically describe the vehicles, loads, and estimated number of loads to be operated or moved and the particular highways for which the permit to operate is requested, as defined by rules of the department of transportation. Permits issued pursuant to this subsection (1.5) shall not authorize the operation of vehicles that exceed the maximum dimensions allowed for vehicles operating under annual permits issued pursuant to the rules of the department pertaining to transport permits for the movement of extra-legal vehicles or loads.

(c) The department shall provide the option to a company filing for a permit under this subsection (1.5) to file an express consent waiver that enables the company to designate a company representative to be a party of interest for a violation of this section. The appearance of the company representative in a court hearing without the operator when the operator has signed such waiver shall not be deemed the practice of law in violation of article 93 of title 13.

(1.7) (a) The department of transportation may issue super-load permits for:

(I) A combination vehicle with a weight of five hundred thousand pounds or more that occupies two lanes to haul the load; or

(II) An unladen combination vehicle with an expandable dual-lane transport trailer that occupies two lanes.


(I) The department of transportation may place restrictions on the use of a permit. A person shall obey the restrictions contained in a permit.

(II) (A) The department of transportation may refuse to issue a permit to a person who has been held by an administrative law judge to have disobeyed permit restrictions or to have violated this section or rules promulgated under this section in a hearing held in accordance with article 4 of title 24, C.R.S.

(B) The department shall create a system that tracks the compliance of permit holders and use the system to determine if a permit holder has a pattern of noncompliance. The department shall promulgate rules establishing standards to deny permits to persons who show a pattern of noncompliance, which standards include the length of time a permit is denied based upon the number and type of noncomplying events.

(III) The department of transportation shall include in a super-load permit a speed restriction, not to exceed twenty-five miles per hour on the highway and ten miles per hour on structures; except that the department of transportation may modify the speed restriction when necessary for safety or to prevent structural damage.

(c) When filing an application, an applicant for a super-load permit shall provide the department of transportation with documentation, acceptable to the department of transportation, from a third party establishing the gross weight of the load. The driver shall carry the documentation in the vehicle during the permitted move and produce, upon request, the documentation for any state agency or law enforcement personnel.

(d) The department of transportation may refuse to issue a super-load permit under this section for an unladen combination vehicle unlessthe applicant breaks the load down to the smallest dimensions possible. The department of transportation may refuse to issue a super-load permit under this section for an unladen vehicle unless the applicant renders the dual lane trailer into legal loads.

(e) The department of transportation, Colorado state patrol, or port of entry shall inspect the load of a super-load permit holder, at the permit holder's expense, at the nearest point where the shipment enters the state, at a location specified by the department of transportation, or at the load's point of origin to ensure compliance with the permit requirements and safety statutes and rules, including:

(I) Height, width, and length;

(II) Number of axles;

(III) Date of move;

(IV) Correct route;

(V) Documentation of load weight;

(VI) Use of signs and pilot cars; and

(VII) Weight, if the vehicle can be weighed within two hours.

(f) The department of transportation shall notify the port of entry of the permit's issuance and the location and date of the move.

(g) Repealed.

(2) (a) An authentication of paid ad valorem taxes, after notification of such movement to the county treasurer, may serve as a permit for movement of manufactured homes on public streets or highways under the county's jurisdiction. An authentication of paid ad valorem taxes from the county treasurer of the county from which the manufactured home is to be moved, after notification of such movement has been provided to the county assessor of the county to which the manufactured home is to be moved, pursuant to section 39-5-205, C.R.S., may also serve as a permit for the movement of manufactured homes from one adjoining county to an adjoining county on streets and highways under local jurisdiction. The treasurer shall issue along with the authentication of paid ad valorem taxes a transportable manufactured home permit. The treasurer may establish and collect a fee, which shall not exceed ten dollars, for issuing the authentication of paid ad valorem taxes and the transportable manufactured home permit. Such transportable manufactured home permit shall be printed on an eleven inch by six inch fluorescent orange card and shall contain the following information: The name and address of the owner of the mobile home; the name and address of the mover; the transport number of the mover, a description of the mobile home including the make, year, and identification or serial number; the county authentication number; and an expiration date. The expiration date shall be set by the treasurer, but in no event shall the expiration date be more than thirty days after the date of issue of the permit. Such transportable manufactured home permit shall be valid for a single trip only. The transportable manufactured home permit shall be prominently displayed on the rear of the mobile home during transit of the mobile home. Peace officers and local tax and assessment officials may request, and upon demand shall be shown, all moving permits, tax receipts, or certificates required by this subsection (2). Nothing in this section shall require a permit from a county treasurer for the movement of a new manufactured home. For the purposes of this section, a new manufactured home is one in transit under invoice or manufacturer's statement of origin which has not been previously occupied for residential purposes.

(b) All applications for permits to move manufactured homes over state highways shall comply with the following special provisions:

(I) Each such application shall be for a single trip, a special permit, an annual permit, or, subject to the requirements of paragraph (a) of subsection (1.5) of this section, an annual fleet permit. The application shall be accompanied by a certificate or other proof of public liability insurance in amounts of not less than one hundred thousand dollars per person and three hundred thousand dollars per accident for all manufactured homes moved within this state by the permit holder during the effective term of the permit. Each application for a single trip permit shall be accompanied by an authentication of paid ad valorem taxes on the used manufactured home.

(II) Holders of permits shall keep and maintain, for not less than three calendar years, records of all manufactured homes moved in whole or in part within this state, which records shall include the plate number of the towing vehicle; the year, make, serial number, and size of the unit moved, together with date of the move; the place of pickup; and the exact address of the final destination and the county of final destination and the name and address of the landowner of the final destination. These records shall be available upon request within this state for inspection by the state of Colorado or any of its ad valorem taxing governmental subdivisions.

(III) Holders of permits shall obtain an authentication of paid ad valorem taxes through the date of the move from the owner of a used manufactured home or from the county treasurer of the county from which the used manufactured home is being moved. Permit holders shall notify the county treasurer of the county from which the manufactured home is being moved of the new exact address of the final destination and the county of final destination of the manufactured home and the name and address of the landowner of the final destination, and, if within the state, the county treasurer shall forward copies of the used manufactured home tax certificate to the county assessor of the destination county. County treasurers may compute ad valorem manufactured home taxes due based upon the next preceding year's assessment prorated through the date of the move and accept payment of such as payment in full.

(IV) No owner of a manufactured home shall move the manufactured home or provide for the movement of the manufactured home without being the holder of a paid ad valorem tax certificate and a transportable manufactured home permit thereon, and no person shall assist such an owner in the movement of such owner's manufactured home, including a manufactured home dealer. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (b), a permit holder who moves any manufactured home within this state shall be liable for all unpaid ad valorem taxes thereon through the date of such move if movement is made prior to payment of the ad valorem taxes due on the manufactured home moved.

(V) In the event of an imminent natural or man-made disaster or emergency, including, but not limited to, rising waters, flood, or fire, the owner, owner's representative or agent, occupant, or tenant of a manufactured home or the mobile home park owner or manager, lienholder, or manufactured home dealer is specifically exempted from the need to obtain a permit pursuant to this section and may move the endangered manufactured home out of the danger area to a temporary or new permanent location and may move such manufactured home back to its original location without a permit or penalty or fee requirement. Upon any such move to a temporary location as a result of a disaster or emergency, the person making the move or such person's agent or representative shall notify the county assessor in the county to which the manufactured home has been moved, within twenty days after such move, of the date and circumstances pertaining to the move and the temporary or permanent new location of the manufactured home. If the manufactured home is moved to a new permanent location from a temporary location as a result of a disaster or emergency, a permit for such move shall be issued but no fee shall be assessed.

(3) The department of transportation, the Colorado state patrol, or any local authority is authorized to issue or withhold a permit, as provided in this section, and, if such permit is issued, to limit the number of trips, or to establish seasonal or other time limitations within which the vehicles described may be operated on the highways indicated, or otherwise to limit or prescribe conditions of operation of such vehicles, when necessary to protect the safety of highway users, to protect the efficient movement of traffic from unreasonable interference, or to protect the highways from undue damage to the road foundations, surfaces, or structures and may require such undertaking or other security as may be deemed necessary to compensate for any injury to any highway or highway structure.

(4) The original or a copy of every such permit shall be carried in the vehicle or combination of vehicles to which it refers and shall be open to inspection by any police officer or authorized agent of any authority granting such permit; except that, if a peace officer, as described in section 16-2.5-101, C.R.S., or an authorized agent of the authority that granted a permit may determine that the permit can be electronically verified at the time of contact, a copy of the permit need not be carried in the vehicle or combination of vehicles to which it refers. No person shall violate any of the terms or conditions of such permit.

(5) The department of transportation or the Colorado state patrol shall, unless such action will jeopardize distribution of federal highway funds to the state, authorize the operation or movement of a vehicle or combination of vehicles on the interstate highway system of Colorado at a maximum weight of eighty-five thousand pounds.

(6) No vehicle having a permit under this section shall be remodeled, rebuilt, altered, or changed except in such a way as to conform to those specifications and limitations established in sections 42-4-501 to 42-4-507 and 42-4-1407.

(7) Any person who has obtained a valid permit for the movement of any oversize vehicle or load may attach to such vehicle or load or to any vehicle accompanying the same not more than three illuminated flashing yellow signals as warning devices.

(8) (a) The department of transportation shall have a procedure to allow those persons who are transporting loads from another state into Colorado and who would require a permit under the provisions of this section to make advance arrangements by telephone or other means of communication for the issuance of a permit if the load otherwise complies with the requirements of this section.

(b) The Colorado state patrol shall have available for issuance at each fixed port of entry weigh station permits for extralegal vehicles or loads; except that special permits for extralegal vehicles or loads that are considered extraordinary in dimensions or weight, or both, and that require additional safety precautions while in transit shall be issued only by the department of transportation. A port of entry may issue such special permits if authorized to do so by the department of transportation and under such rules as the department of transportation may establish, and may deliver from a fixed port of entry weigh station any permit issued by the department of transportation.

(c) Repealed.

(9) No permit shall be necessary for the operation of authorized emergency vehicles, public transportation vehicles operated by municipalities or other political subdivisions of the state, county road maintenance and county road construction equipment temporarily moved upon the highway, implements of husbandry, and farm tractors temporarily moved upon the highway, including transportation of such tractors or implements by a person dealing therein to such person's place of business within the state or to the premises of a purchaser or prospective purchaser within the state; nor shall such vehicles or equipment be subject to the size and weight provisions of this part 5.

(10) The Colorado state patrol, the personnel in any port of entry weigh station, and local law enforcement officials shall verify the validity of permits issued under this section whenever feasible. Upon determination by any of such officials or by any personnel of a county assessor's or county treasurer's office indicating that a manufactured home has been moved without a valid permit, the district attorney shall investigate and prosecute any alleged violation as authorized by law.

(11) (a) The department of transportation or the Colorado state patrol may charge permit applicants permit fees as follows:

(I) For overlength, overwidth, and overheight permits on loads or vehicles which do not exceed legal weight limits:

(A) Annual permit, two hundred fifty dollars;

(B) Single trip permit, fifteen dollars;

(II) For overlength, including front or rear overhang, annual fleet permits on loads or vehicles which do not exceed legal weight limits, one thousand five hundred dollars plus fifteen dollars per fleet vehicle. For purposes of this subparagraph (II), "fleet" means any group of two or more vehicles owned by one person. This subparagraph (II) shall only apply for public utility vehicles and loads.

(III) For overweight permits for vehicles or loads exceeding legal weight limits up to two hundred thousand pounds:

(A) Annual permit, four hundred dollars;

(B) Single trip permit, fifteen dollars plus five dollars per axle;

(C) Annual fleet permits, one thousand five hundred dollars plus twenty-five dollars per vehicle to be permitted. For purposes of this sub-subparagraph (C), "fleet" means any group of two or more vehicles owned by one person. This sub-subparagraph (C) shall apply only to longer vehicle combinations as defined in section 42-4-505.

(IV) Special permits for structural, oversize, or overweight moves requiring extraordinary action or moves involving weight in excess of two hundred thousand pounds, one hundred twenty-five dollars for a permit for a single trip, including a super-load permit issued under subsection (1.7) of this section; except that a super-load permit fee is four hundred dollars;

(V) The fee for an annual fleet permit issued pursuant to subsection (1.5) or (2) of this section is three thousand dollars for a fleet of from two to ten vehicles plus three hundred dollars for each additional vehicle in the fleet;

(VI) For overweight permits for vehicles that have a quad axle grouping for divisible vehicles or loads exceeding legal weight limits issued pursuant to subparagraph (II) of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section:

(A) Annual permit, five hundred dollars;

(B) Single trip permit, thirty dollars plus ten dollars per axle; and

(C) Annual fleet permits, two thousand dollars plus thirty-five dollars per vehicle to be permitted;

(D) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2009, (HB 09-1318), ch. 316, p. 1704, § 2, effective January 1, 2010.)

(VII) For overweight permits for vehicle combinations with a trailer that has two or three axles for divisible vehicles or loads exceeding legal weight limits established by sub-subparagraph (B) of subparagraph (II) of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section:

(A) Annual permit, five hundred dollars;

(B) Six-month permit, two hundred fifty dollars;

(C) Single-trip permit, fifteen dollars plus ten dollars per axle; and

(D) Effective January 1, 2015, annual fleet permit, two thousand dollars plus thirty-five dollars per vehicle to be permitted.

(b) Any local authority may impose a fee, in addition to but not to exceed the amounts required in subparagraphs (I) and (III) of paragraph (a) of this subsection (11), as provided by the applicable local ordinance or resolution; and, in the case of a permit under subparagraph (IV) of paragraph (a) of this subsection (11), the amount of the fee shall not exceed the actual cost of the extraordinary action.

(12) (a) Any person holding a permit issued pursuant to this section or any person operating a vehicle pursuant to such permit who violates any provision of this section, any ordinance or resolution of a local authority, or any standards or rules or regulations promulgated pursuant to this section, except the provisions of subparagraph (IV) of paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of this section, commits a class 2 misdemeanor traffic offense.

(b) Any person who violates the provisions of subparagraph (IV) of paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of this section commits a class 2 petty offense and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined two hundred dollars; except that, upon conviction of a second or subsequent such offense, such person commits a class 3 misdemeanor and shall be punished as provided in section 18-1.3-501, C.R.S.

(c) The department of transportation with regard to any state permit and the local authority with regard to a local permit may, after a hearing under section 24-4-105, C.R.S., revoke, suspend, refuse to renew, or refuse to issue any permit authorized by this section upon a finding that the holder of the permit has violated the provisions of this section, any ordinance or resolution of a local authority, or any standards or rules promulgated pursuant to this section.

(d) A driver or holder of a permit issued under subsection (1.7) of this section who fails to comply with the terms of the permit or subsection (1.7) of this section commits a class 1 misdemeanor traffic offense and shall be punished as provided in section 42-4-1701 (3)(a)(II).