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U.S. State Codes
Title 42 - Vehicles and Tra...
Regulation of Vehicles and ...
Article 4 - Regulation of V...
Part 13 - Alcohol and Drug Offenses
Part 13 - Alcohol and Drug Offenses
§ 42-4-1301. Driving under the influence - driving while impaired - driving with excessive alcoholic content - definitions - penalties
§ 42-4-1301.1. Expressed consent for the taking of blood, breath, urine, or saliva sample - testing - fund - rules - repeal
§ 42-4-1301.3. Alcohol and drug driving safety program - definition
§ 42-4-1301.4. Useful public service - definitions - local programs - assessment of costs
§ 42-4-1302. Stopping of suspect
§ 42-4-1303. Records - prima facie proof
§ 42-4-1304. Samples of blood or other bodily substance - duties of department of public health and environment - rules
§ 42-4-1305. Open alcoholic beverage container - motor vehicle - prohibited
§ 42-4-1305.5. Open marijuana container - motor vehicle - prohibited
§ 42-4-1306. Colorado task force on drunk and impaired driving - creation - legislative declaration
§ 42-4-1307. Penalties for traffic offenses involving alcohol and drugs - legislative declaration - definitions - repeal