(1) In addition to other means of providing revenue for the district, the board has the power to fix the amount of an assessment upon the property within the district, as a level or general levy to be used for the purpose of paying the expenses of organization, for surveys and plans, to pay the salary of officers for, the per diem allowed to directors and their expenses, for expenses that may be incurred in the administration of the affairs of the district, and for all other lawful purposes of the district including capital construction.
(2) The amount of assessment on each dollar of valuation for assessment shall, in accordance with the schedule prescribed by section 39-5-128, C.R.S., be certified to boards of county commissioners of the various counties in which the district is located and by them included in their next annual levy for state and county purposes. Such amount so certified shall be collected for the use of such district in the same manner as are taxes for county purposes, and the revenue laws of the state for the levy and collection of taxes on real estate for county purposes, except as modified in this article, shall be applicable to the levy and collection of the amount certified by the board as provided in this section, including the enforcement of penalties, forfeiture, and sale for delinquent taxes.
(3) All collections made by the county treasurer pursuant to such levy shall be paid to the treasurer of the district on or before the tenth day of the next succeeding calendar month. Items of expense that have already been paid in whole or in part from any other sources by the district may be repaid from receipts of such levy. Such levy may be made regardless of whether the work proposed, or any part thereof, may have been found impracticable or for other reasons abandoned. The collection of data and the payment of expenses therefor, including salaries of engineers, attorneys, and others, to assist this state to carry out its duty to comply with limitations and duties imposed upon the state by the Republican river compact, is hereby declared to be a matter of general benefit to the public welfare, such that a tax for such purposes may be properly imposed.