(1) During the preparation of an official plan that utilizes special improvement bonds for financing, the board of appraisers shall examine and become acquainted with the nature of the plans for the improvement of the lands and other property affected thereby in order that they may be better prepared to make appraisals for the special improvement bonds.
(2) When the official plan utilizing special improvement bonds is adopted by the district, the secretary of the district shall at once notify the appraisers, and they shall thereupon proceed to appraise the benefits of every kind to all land and property within the subdistrict that will result from the special improvements to be financed by the special improvement bonds in the official plan. The appraisers shall also appraise the damages sustained and the value of the land and other property necessary to be acquired by the district in carrying out the official plan. In the progress of their work, the appraisers shall have the assistance of the attorney, engineers, secretary, and other agents and employees of the district or subdistrict.