(1) A negotiable warehouse receipt must be either a paper or an electronic document. At no time may a paper receipt and an electronic receipt represent the same lot of the commodity. A licensee may issue warehouse receipts by use of a written warehouse receipt system, an electronic warehouse receipt system, or both.
(2) The department is the sole source of paper negotiable warehouse receipts and shall furnish those receipts at cost.
(3) Instead of a paper document, a licensee may issue an electronic negotiable version of a warehouse receipt generated by a vendor licensed and approved by the United States department of agriculture if the receipt contains the same information as the paper version of a warehouse receipt. The electronic version of a warehouse receipt carries the same rights and obligations as the paper version. A holder of an electronic version of a warehouse receipt may redeem the warehouse receipt by applying an electronic signature registered and authenticated by a vendor credited by the United States department of agriculture.
(4) The commissioner may promulgate rules regarding the issuance, use, and records requirements of negotiable warehouse receipts.