The state engineer, through the county surveyors of Ouray and San Miguel counties, within six months after this section becomes effective, shall designate the county line between the counties of Ouray and San Miguel, beginning at a point which is the southeast corner of Montrose county, the same being identical with the one-quarter corner between sections fourteen and fifteen, township forty-five north, range ten west, New Mexico principal meridian; thence west one mile to the one-quarter corner of sections fifteen and sixteen; thence south one-half mile to the corner of sections fifteen, sixteen, twenty-one and twenty-two; thence east three-quarters of a mile to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-two; thence south two miles to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, section twenty-seven; thence east one-quarter mile to the corner of sections twenty-six, twenty-seven, thirty-four and thirty-five; all in township forty-five north, range ten west, New Mexico principal meridian; thence east three miles to the corner of sections twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one and thirty-two, township forty-five north, range nine west, New Mexico principal meridian; thence south one mile to the southwest corner of section thirty-two on the eleventh correction line; all in township forty-five north, range nine west, New Mexico principal meridian; thence along the eleventh correction line to the northeast corner of section six, township forty-four north, range nine west, New Mexico principal meridian; thence west along the north line of section six to the northwest corner of lot one of said section; thence south to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, section six; thence west one-quarter mile to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of section six; thence south two miles to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of section eighteen; all in township forty-four north of range nine west; thence east or west to the watershed hereinbefore established as the boundary line between Ouray and San Miguel counties.