(1) The inspection, enforcement, nuisance, violation, and civil penalty provisions in section 30-20-113 shall apply to this part 10.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section and section 30-20-1010, if a person is able to establish that due diligence has been conducted and no reasonable options for recycling the solid wastes are available, then the person may dispose of the solid wastes in a solid wastes disposal site and facility or transfer station.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section and sections 30-20-1010 and 30-20-113 (1)(c), any solid wastes disposal site and facility in substantial compliance with its waste characterization plan developed pursuant to section 30-20-110 (1)(g), and rules promulgated thereunder, is in compliance with this part 10 so long as the waste characterization plan contains waste acceptance procedures to minimize the disposal of lead-acid batteries and used oil consistent with this part 10.