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U.S. State Codes
Title 26 - Human Services Code
Article 5 - Child Welfare Services
Article 5 - Child Welfare Services
§ 26-5-100.2. Legislative declaration
§ 26-5-101. Definitions
§ 26-5-102. Provision of child welfare services - system reform goals - out-of-home placements for children and youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities - rules - definition
§ 26-5-103. Coordination with other programs
§ 26-5-103.5. Child welfare allocations committee - organization - advisory duties - funding model - allocations model - definitions
§ 26-5-104. Funding of child welfare services - rules - report - provider contracts - funding mechanism review - fund - definitions - rules - repeal
§ 26-5-105. Reimbursement procedure
§ 26-5-105.3. Federal waivers
§ 26-5-105.4. Title IV-E waiver demonstration project - county performance agreements - Title IV-E waiver demonstration project cash fund created - rules - repeal
§ 26-5-105.5. State department integrated care management program - county performance agreements - authorized - performance incentive cash fund created - repeal
§ 26-5-105.8. Delivery of child welfare services task force - duties - membership - reporting requirements - repeal
§ 26-5-107. Limitations of article
§ 26-5-108. Developmental assessment - rules
§ 26-5-109. Child welfare training academy established - rules
§ 26-5-110. Guardianship assistance program - legislative declaration - eligibility - rules
§ 26-5-111. Statewide child abuse reporting hotline system - legislative declaration - definitions - child abuse hotline steering committee - rules on consistent processes in response to reports and inquiries for information
§ 26-5-113. Extended services for former foster care youth
§ 26-5-114. Former foster care youth steering committee - implementation plan - recommendations - report