(1) The commission, through its director, shall carry out the following purposes:
(a) Conduct, and encourage other organizations to conduct, studies of the problems of the state's older people;
(b) Assist governmental and private agencies to coordinate their efforts on behalf of the aging and aged in order that such efforts be effective and that duplication and waste of effort be eliminated;
(c) Promote and aid in the establishment of local programs and services for the aging and aged. The commission shall assist governmental and private agencies by designing surveys that may be used locally to determine needs of older people; by recommending the creation of services; by collection and distribution of information on aging; and by assisting public and private organizations in all ways the commission may deem appropriate.
(d) Conduct promotional activities and programs of public education on problems of the aging;
(e) Review existing programs for the aging and make recommendations to the governor and the general assembly for improvements in such programs;
(f) Advise and make recommendations to the state department and the state office on aging, created pursuant to part 2 of this article, on the problems of and programs and services for the aging and aged.