(1) Any person may apply to the division for a certificate to perform asbestos abatement by submitting an application in the form specified by the division and by paying a fee set by the commission. Such application shall include, but shall not be limited to:
(a) A description of the applicant's employee training program for asbestos abatement;
(b) A statement identifying all individuals employed by the applicant who are certified as trained supervisors pursuant to section 25-7-506.
(2) No applicant shall be certified to perform asbestos abatement unless the applicant, or at least one of the applicant's employees, is certified as a trained supervisor pursuant to section 25-7-506.
(3) Within fifteen days after receiving an application pursuant to this section, the division shall acknowledge its receipt and notify the applicant as to whether the application is complete. Within thirty days after receiving a completed application, the division shall issue a certificate to the applicant if the division finds that, in addition to all other requirements, the employee training program for asbestos abatement described in the application is acceptable. A certificate issued by the division pursuant to this section shall be valid for three years from the date of issuance.
(4) A certificate issued pursuant to this section may be suspended or revoked for the failure to implement the employee training program for asbestos abatement described in the application submitted pursuant to this section.