(1) (Deleted by amendment, L. 97, p. 409, § 2, effective July 1, 1997.)
(2) It is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to have his or her child immunized unless the child is exempted pursuant to this section. A student shall be exempted from receiving the required immunizations in the following manner:
(a) By submitting to the student's school certification from a licensed physician, physician assistant authorized under section 12-36-106 (5), C.R.S., or advanced practice nurse that the physical condition of the student is such that one or more specified immunizations would endanger his or her life or health or is medically contraindicated due to other medical conditions; or
(b) By submitting to the student's school a statement of exemption signed by one parent or guardian or the emancipated student or student eighteen years of age or older that the parent, guardian, or student is an adherent to a religious belief whose teachings are opposed to immunizations or that the parent or guardian or the emancipated student or student eighteen years of age or older has a personal belief that is opposed to immunizations.
(2.5) The state board of health shall promulgate rules regarding:
(a) Immunization information, including exemption rates, that is available to the public through the department, including evidence-based research, resources and information from credible scientific and public health organizations, peer-reviewed studies, and an online learning module; and
(b) The frequency of submission of exemption forms.
(3) The state board of health may provide, by regulation, for further exemptions to immunization based upon sound medical practice.
(4) All information distributed to parents by school districts regarding immunization shall inform them of their rights under subsection (2) of this section.
(5) Each school shall make the immunization and exemption rates of their enrolled student population publicly available upon request.