(1) Beginning in the 2018-19 state fiscal year, the primary care office shall maintain and administer a scholarship program to assist in increasing the population of certified addiction counselors providing behavioral health care services in health professional shortage areas. Subject to available appropriations, the primary care office shall award scholarships to help defray the education and training costs associated with obtaining certification as an addiction counselor or with progressing to a higher level of certification for applicants who agree to practice in a health professional shortage area for a specified period.
(2) Under the scholarship program, subject to the limitations specified in this section, upon entering into a scholarship contract, the state may pay up to the full cost of educational materials and direct expenses associated with education and training required for certification as an addiction counselor or for progressing to a higher level of addiction counselor certification, which amount shall be paid to the academic institution or state-approved trainer where the addiction counselor student is enrolled or participating.
(3) As a condition of receiving a scholarship award to assist with obtaining certification or a higher level of certification, an applicant must enter into a contract with the primary care office pursuant to which he or she agrees to serve at least six consecutive months in a community that is located in a health professional shortage area.
(4) Subject to available appropriations, the primary care office shall annually select applicants from the list provided by the advisory council pursuant to section 25-1.5-504 (5)(b) for scholarship awards under this section.
(5) For purposes of recommending scholarship awards, the advisory council shall prioritize addiction counselors who are practicing with a nonprofit or public employer. The advisory council may also consider for participation in the scholarship program addiction counselors who are practicing with a for-profit employer, such as a private practice or other site, that provides services to an underserved population.
(6) In the event of a breach of contract for a scholarship entered into under this section, the primary care office shall enforce the contract and collect any damages or other penalties owed.