Pursuant to section 13 of article XII of the state constitution and state personnel system laws, the executive director shall appoint a chief. The chief shall be the executive head and senior administrative officer of the Colorado state patrol. He shall supervise and direct the administration and all activities of the Colorado state patrol. The chief shall set forth, with the approval of the executive director, rules and regulations governing all operating procedures of the Colorado state patrol and courtesies and customs for the good order of the service. He shall have been an officer of the Colorado state patrol for at least seven years immediately preceding his appointment, four years of which must have been served in an administrative capacity as a commissioned officer. The chief may designate an officer as acting chief to act in his stead at any time he is unable to perform his duties. He shall fulfill all requirements which are in effect at the time of his appointment, as are set forth in the job specification for the position by the state personnel director. He shall receive such compensation as is commensurate with the specific grade assigned his position by the state personnel director.