(1) (a) The planning group shall develop a comprehensive strategic action plan on aging in Colorado through the year 2030 to be completed by November 1, 2016. In developing the strategic action plan, the planning group shall review and incorporate past recommendations and findings from previous studies and commissions that the planning group considers relevant and necessary to its duties. Previous recommendations must be reviewed in conjunction with the latest demographic and economic projections specified in the analysis conducted pursuant to paragraph (c) of this subsection (1) in order to assess their long-term fiscal viability.
(b) The strategic action plan must address at least the following three areas:
(I) Demographic, economic, fiscal, and budget data analysis through the year 2030;
(II) Actionable recommendations; and
(III) Plans for updates to the strategic action plan.
(c) Data analysis. The strategic action plan must include the following areas of data analysis:
(I) Statewide and regional demographic analysis of Colorado's older adult population;
(II) Analysis of the impacts, both positive and negative, of the demographic shift on the state economy and workforce participation;
(III) Analysis of the impacts, both positive and negative, of the demographic shift on state and local revenues including income, sales, and property tax;
(IV) Projected effects of the demographic shift on state and local revenues and identification of possible revenue shortfalls;
(V) Projected state budget impact of the demographic shift on Colorado's medicaid program;
(VI) Projected state budget impact of the demographic shift on other state departments and programs;
(VII) Analysis of the financial security of Colorado's older adult population that are in or approaching retirement in order to determine projected future demand on medicaid and other state-funded safety net programs;
(VIII) Analysis of the retirement savings gap and retirement security for the state's older adult population;
(IX) Analysis of projected cost trends of private long-term care, services, and supports;
(X) Analysis of the number of persons in the older adult population who would benefit from receiving additional community-based services and the types of services and supports required for members of this population to remain in their own residences and communities for as long as possible;
(XI) Analysis of any federal spending actions relative to medicaid, social security, medicare, and other federal programs the planning group considers relevant and their effect on general fund expenditures and reserves as well as nonrelated state expenditures;
(XII) Analysis of existing and proposed private sector initiatives to address retirement preparedness and long-term care, services, and supports for the older adult population; and
(XIII) Economic impact of caregiving on Colorado families, businesses, and the state economy.
(d) Actionable recommendations. Recommendations shall include at least:
(I) Options to address the long-term impact of the demographic shift on Colorado citizens, state government, and the private sector;
(II) Options to address disproportional regional demographic shifts in older adult populations;
(III) Options to improve financial security and retirement preparation for the older adult population;
(IV) Recommendations to enhance access to services and public education on aging issues;
(V) Options to strengthen and improve service quality and infrastructure for long-term services and supports to better enable the services and supports to meet future demand;
(VI) Options to reduce administrative and service delivery costs of public and private long-term services and supports while maintaining service quality;
(VII) Administrative and regulatory reforms needed to more cost-effectively organize state agencies to implement state programs and services;
(VIII) Private sector options for state-based long-term care, services, and supports;
(IX) Options to extend and improve other services and supports that would allow individuals to remain in their residences and communities for as long as possible;
(X) Options to improve the accessibility and sustainability of affordable housing and transportation services;
(XI) Options to improve caregiver supports and mitigate both the financial and nonfinancial impacts of caregiving on patients, caregivers, businesses, and the state;
(XII) Projections on the economic, fiscal, and personal impacts of implementing or not implementing the recommendations. This analysis should also consider the nonfinancial and quality-of-care impacts of the recommendations on Colorado's long-term care, services, and supports; healthcare infrastructure and workforce; aging; and caregiver populations.
(XIII) Possible legislation for consideration by the general assembly in order to implement the planning group's recommendations and achieve its stated goals; and
(XIV) Possible regulatory changes to be offered to state departments in order to implement the planning group's recommendations and achieve its stated goals.
(2) Reports. (a) During the 2016 and 2017 legislative sessions, the planning group shall submit an oral report summarizing its work and any preliminary findings or recommendations to the joint budget committee.
(I) By November 30, 2016, the planning group shall submit to the governor, the general assembly, and any affected state agency its strategic action plan detailing the work of the planning group and its final recommendations.
(II) (A) If the strategic action plan identifies programs, services, projects, policies, or procedures that would result in cost savings, without adversely affecting the quality of care and services, and do not require legislation, the governor and the affected state agencies are encouraged to pursue the necessary actions to implement the recommendations, including, as necessary, requesting adequate funding through the state budget process.
(B) If the strategic action plan identifies programs, services, projects, policies, or procedures that would result in cost savings, without adversely affecting the quality of care and services, that require legislation, the planning group shall recommend legislation to implement the changes to the governor and the general assembly. In its plan, the planning group shall specify the laws that need to be created, amended, or repealed to implement the recommendations.
(c) Strategic plan updates.
(I) The planning group shall submit two updates to the strategic action plan, one by November 1, 2018, and one by November 1, 2020, to update the planning group's analysis and recommendations.
(II) (A) These updates shall include new economic and demographic data as well as respond to new state and national public and private initiatives and must address a time period for analysis and recommendation that extends fifteen years after the delivery of the update.
(B) The process for creating these updates shall be determined by the planning group as part of its strategic action plan.
(C) New legislative or regulatory recommendations may be offered in order to address new or changing circumstances.
(III) The initial planning group shall determine the staffing and process for updating the initial strategic action plan. The planning group will only undertake the plan updates if sufficient funding is secured through additional appropriations, gifts, grants, or donations.