(1) The office shall have the following powers and duties:
(a) To serve as a clearing house, for the benefit of local governments, of information relating to the common problems faced by local governments in connection with growth and of state and federal resources available to assist in the resolution of problems caused by growth;
(b) To refer local governments to appropriate departments or agencies of the state or federal government for advice, assistance, or available services in connection with specific problems relating to growth;
(c) To perform such research as is necessary to carry out the functions of the office;
(d) To encourage and, when so requested, assist cooperative efforts among local governments toward the solution of common problems relating to growth;
(e) Upon request by local governments, to provide technical assistance to such governments in addressing problems caused by the impacts of growth in such areas as, without limitation, completion of comprehensive or master plans and the resolution of land use disputes involving other governmental entities; and
(f) To accept and receive grants and services relevant to the fulfillment of this part 32 from the federal government, other state agencies, local governments, or private and civic sources.