(1) The general assembly finds that:
(a) Teachers have a great impact on student achievement. Evidence shows that the quality of teachers can account for the majority of variances in student learning and test scores.
(b) The teaching and learning conditions under which teachers practice their profession, though often overlooked, are essential elements to student achievement and retention. These conditions must be systematically studied and addressed for Colorado to develop a critical mass of teachers who are well prepared to teach and who will remain in hardest-to-staff schools long enough to make a significant difference for students and their families.
(c) Research demonstrates that the negative effects of shortages of teachers and special services providers, as well as distribution challenges, have a disproportionate impact on geographic areas of the state that are classified as "rural". As a result, children in rural areas are more likely to be taught by fewer teachers who must cover an increasingly larger number of subjects and have limited access to critical support services offered by special services providers.
(d) Approved alternative teacher preparation programs are critical for filling teacher shortages in rural schools and school districts across Colorado. Rural school leaders are able to place qualified teacher candidates, including members of their own communities, in classrooms through these alternative teacher preparation programs. Such programs provide the necessary support and coaching to an individual during his or her year-long training and allow alternative teacher candidates to earn initial teacher licensure while serving in classrooms. By helping to fill immediate needs in hard-to-staff rural schools and school districts, and by receiving the necessary training, alternative teacher candidates are able to create a positive, longitudinal impact on students and their families.
(e) Since the beginning of alternative teacher preparation pathways in Colorado, the number of alternative teacher candidates has increased steadily, with one out of every four alternative teacher candidates now completing an alternative teacher preparation program.
(2) The general assembly further finds and declares that, for purposes of section 17 of article IX of the state constitution, implementation of measures designed to improve the quality, recruitment, and retention of teachers and special services providers in the rural areas of Colorado through this article 76 is a critical element of accountable education reform, accountable programs to meet state academic standards, and performance incentives for teachers and special services providers and, therefore, may receive funding from the state education fund created in section 17 (4) of article IX of the state constitution.