(1) (a) Prior to submitting to the department of education an application for any license specified in section 22-60.5-201, 22-60.5-210, 22-60.5-301, or 22-60.5-306 or for any authorization specified in section 22-60.5-111, each applicant shall submit to the Colorado bureau of investigation a complete set of fingerprints of such applicant, taken by a qualified law enforcement agency or any third party approved by the Colorado bureau of investigation, unless the applicant previously submitted a complete set of his or her fingerprints to the department of education or the Colorado bureau of investigation in connection with an application for a license or authorization specified in this article 60.5 or, if the applicant has continuously resided in Colorado since submitting fingerprints to the bureau, has previously submitted fingerprints pursuant to section 22-2-119.3. If an approved third party takes the person's fingerprints, the fingerprints may be electronically captured using Colorado bureau of investigation-approved livescan equipment. Third-party vendors shall not keep the applicant information for more than thirty days unless requested to do so by the applicant. The applicant shall submit the fingerprints for the purpose of obtaining a fingerprint-based criminal history record check through the Colorado bureau of investigation and the federal bureau of investigation to determine whether the applicant for licensure or authorization has a criminal history. The applicant shall pay to the Colorado bureau of investigation the fee established by the bureau for conducting the criminal history record check. Upon completion of the criminal history record check, the bureau shall forward the results to the department of education.
(b) Any person applying for any license specified in section 22-60.5-201, 22-60.5-210, 22-60.5-301, or 22-60.5-306 or for any authorization specified in section 22-60.5-111 or for renewal of such license or authorization or for any master certificate specified in section 22-60.5-202, 22-60.5-211, 22-60.5-302, or 22-60.5-307 shall submit to the department of education at the time of application a completed form as specified in subsection (2) of this section.
(2) (a) On a form provided by the department of education, an applicant shall certify, under penalty of perjury, either:
(I) That he has never been convicted of committing any felony or misdemeanor, but not including any misdemeanor traffic offense or traffic infraction; or
(II) That he has been convicted of committing any felony or misdemeanor, but not including any misdemeanor traffic offense or traffic infraction. Such certification shall specify such felony or misdemeanor for which convicted, the date of such conviction, and the court entering the judgment of conviction.
(b) For the purposes of paragraph (a) of this subsection (2), a person is deemed to have been convicted of committing a felony or misdemeanor if such person has been convicted under the laws of any other state, the United States, or any territory subject to the jurisdiction of the United States of an unlawful act which, if committed within this state, would have been a felony or misdemeanor.
(c) For the purposes of this section, "convicted" or "conviction" means a conviction by a jury verdict or by entry of a verdict or acceptance of a guilty plea by a court and shall also include the forfeiture of any bail, bond, or other security deposited to secure the appearance by a person charged with having committed a felony or misdemeanor, the payment of a fine, a plea of nolo contendere, the imposition of a deferred or suspended sentence by the court, or an agreement for a deferred prosecution approved by the court.
(3) In addition to any other requirements established by law for the issuance or renewal of any license specified in section 22-60.5-201, 22-60.5-210, 22-60.5-301, or 22-60.5-306 or for any authorization specified in section 22-60.5-111, the submittal of fingerprints and forms pursuant to the provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall be a prerequisite to the issuance or renewal of such license or authorization by the department of education. Said department shall not issue or renew any license specified in section 22-60.5-201, 22-60.5-210, 22-60.5-301, or 22-60.5-306 or any authorization specified in section 22-60.5-111 to any person making application who does not comply with the provisions of subsection (1) of this section.
(4) To facilitate a criminal history record check conducted pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, the department of education may conduct a search on the ICON system at the state judicial department, as defined in section 24-33.5-102 (3), C.R.S., and may use any other available source of criminal history information that the department of education determines is appropriate, including obtaining records from any law enforcement agency and juvenile delinquency records pursuant to section 19-1-304, C.R.S. The department of education may use the specified sources to determine any crime or crimes for which the person was arrested or charged and the disposition of any criminal charges.
(5) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2006, p. 925, § 5, effective July 1, 2006.)
(5.5) For the purposes of this section, the department of education is a criminal justice agency as that term is defined in section 24-72-302 (3), C.R.S. Law enforcement agencies shall cooperate with the department of education when the department conducts a criminal history record check pursuant to this section.
(6) (a) When the department of education finds probable cause to believe that an educator licensed or authorized pursuant to this article 60.5 has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, other than a misdemeanor traffic offense or traffic infraction, subsequent to the educator's licensure or authorization, the department of education shall require the educator to submit a complete set of the educator's fingerprints taken by a qualified law enforcement agency or any third party approved by the Colorado bureau of investigation. If an approved third party takes the person's fingerprints, the fingerprints may be electronically captured using Colorado bureau of investigation-approved livescan equipment. Third-party vendors shall not keep the educator's information for more than thirty days unless requested to do so by the educator. The educator shall submit the fingerprints within thirty days after receipt of the written request for fingerprints from the department of education. The department of education shall deny, suspend, annul, or revoke, pursuant to section 22-60.5-107 (2.5), the educator's license or authorization if he or she fails to submit fingerprints on a timely basis pursuant to this subsection (6).
(b) The department of education shall forward fingerprints submitted pursuant to this subsection (6) to the Colorado bureau of investigation for the purpose of obtaining a fingerprint-based criminal history record check through the Colorado bureau of investigation and the federal bureau of investigation, to determine whether the educator has a criminal history. In addition, the department of education may use the records of the ICON system at the state judicial department, as defined in section 24-33.5-102 (3), C.R.S., or any other source available, including obtaining records from any law enforcement agency and juvenile delinquent records pursuant to section 19-1-304, C.R.S., to ascertain whether the educator has been convicted of an offense described in section 22-60.5-107 (2), (2.5), or (2.6).