(1) On or before July 1, 2009, each school district board of education shall adopt and implement a policy that prohibits, except as described in subsection (2) of this section, the sale of beverages to students from any source, including but not limited to:
(a) School cafeterias;
(b) Vending machines;
(c) School stores; and
(d) Fund-raising activities conducted on school campuses.
(2) (a) On or before November 15, 2008, the state board of education shall promulgate rules describing beverages that school districts and schools may permit to be sold to students. Each beverage described by the rules shall satisfy minimum nutritional standards for beverages, which standards are science-based and established by a national organization that:
(I) Establishes and promotes minimum nutritional standards for beverages served to students in schools; and
(II) Has set forth a memorandum of understanding between various interested entities, including representatives of the beverage industry, which memorandum of understanding sets forth guidelines for policies concerning beverages that school districts and schools may permit to be sold to students.
(b) On or before November 15, 2008, the state board of education shall promulgate rules describing specific events occurring outside of the regular and extended school day, including but not limited to extracurricular competitions and performances, at which a school district or school may permit to be sold to students beverages other than the beverages described by the rules promulgated by the state board pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection (2).
(3) (a) The policy adopted by a school district pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall apply to all beverages sold on school campuses during regular and extended school days.
(b) For the purposes of this subsection (3), "extended school day" means the regular hours of operation for a school plus any time spent by students after the regular hours of operation for any purpose, including but not limited to participation in extracurricular activities or childcare programs.
(4) The provisions of this section shall apply to contracts entered into or renewed by a school district on or after July 1, 2009.