(1) With the agreement of all charter schools that will receive the revenues generated by a special mill levy, the board of education of any school district shall, at any time at which a ballot issue arising under section 20 of article X of the state constitution may be decided, submit to the eligible electors of the district the question of whether to impose a mill levy of a stated amount and for a stated duration for the purpose of financing capital construction for one or more charter schools chartered by the district. When a mill levy for more than one year has been approved, the board shall, without calling an election, decrease the amount or duration of the mill levy as necessary to avoid excessive collections as each capital construction project financed by the mill levy is completed or the financing for such capital construction has been paid by the taxpayers of such school district. If the board is required to submit the ballot question for a mill levy pursuant to section 22-30.5-404 (4), the board shall consult with all affected charter schools that will receive the revenues generated by the special mill levy before determining the amount and duration of the special mill levy. The board of education of any school district has the discretion to combine the ballot question for a mill levy with any other tax question that the school district is submitting to the eligible electors of the district or to submit the ballot question as a separate question.
(2) Any election called pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall be conducted pursuant to the provisions of articles 1 to 13 of title 1, C.R.S. The costs of the election shall be borne by each charter school that is to receive revenues generated by the mill levy in proportion to the amount of revenues it is to receive unless other cost-sharing arrangements are agreed to by the charter schools and, if the school district submitting the ballot question agrees to bear any of the costs of the election and is not prohibited from bearing such costs by section 22-30.5-404 (4)(b), the district.
(3) If the majority of votes cast at an election held pursuant to this section are in favor of the question, the mill levy of the district for charter school capital construction shall be as so approved by the eligible electors of the district and taxes shall be levied as so approved.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 22-30.5-404 (4) and any other provisions of this section, no mill levy shall be imposed pursuant to this section to benefit a charter school unless the charter school and the district have entered into a contract specifying to whom the ownership of any capital construction financed by the mill levy shall revert if the charter school loses its charter, fails to pay for the capital construction to be financed by revenues from the mill levy, or becomes insolvent and can no longer operate as a charter school.
(5) (Deleted by amendment, L. 2009, (SB 09-176), ch. 247, p. 1117, § 3, effective August 5, 2009.)