(1) The department shall solicit and review applications from public schools and facility schools for grants pursuant to this section. The department may award grants to public schools, facility schools, and collaborative groups of public schools and facility schools for periods of one to three years.
(2) Each application, at a minimum, shall describe how the applicant public school, facility school, or collaborative group of public schools or facility schools will use any awarded grant moneys to reduce the frequency of bullying incidents. Each grant recipient shall use its grant moneys to supplement and not supplant any moneys currently being used by the grant recipient to reduce the frequency of bullying incidents.
(3) The department shall select those public schools, facility schools, and collaborative groups of public schools and facility schools that will receive grants pursuant to this section and the duration and amount of each grant. In selecting the grant recipients, the department, at a minimum, shall take into account the criteria established by rules promulgated by the state board pursuant to section 22-93-104 (1)(b).
(4) Notwithstanding section 24-1-136 (11)(a)(I), on or before a date specified by rule of the state board pursuant to section 22-93-104 (1)(d), the department shall submit annually to the state board and to the education committees of the senate and house of representatives, or any successor committees, the following information regarding the administration of the program in the preceding year:
(a) The number of grant recipients that received grants under the program;
(b) The amount of each grant awarded to each grant recipient;
(c) The average amount of each grant awarded under the program;
(d) The number of pupils who are either enrolled at each public school of each grant recipient or receiving services through each facility school of each grant recipient; and
(e) The source and amount of each gift, grant, and donation received by the department for the implementation of this article pursuant to section 22-93-105 (3)(b).
(5) In selecting grant recipients, the department, to the extent possible, shall ensure that grants are awarded to public schools, facility schools, and collaborative groups of public schools and facility schools in a variety of geographic areas of the state.
(6) Each grant recipient shall submit a written report to the department not later than six months after the expiration of the term of the grant concerning the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of each use of grant moneys by the grant recipient in reducing the frequency of bullying incidents.