(1) The Colorado mathematics-science-technology commission shall facilitate an improvement plan that institutes comprehensive statewide systemic initiatives designed to analyze, review, and improve all or some of the systemic components of pre-K through 12 and postsecondary mathematics, science, and engineering education in Colorado. Such plan shall specifically include and address the following:
(a) The design, facilitation, and coordination of such a plan by the Colorado department of education, the Colorado commission on higher education, the Colorado alliance for science, individual school district boards, and the governing boards of state institutions of higher education, in cooperation and consultation with the mathematics-science-technology commission appointed by the governor;
(b) Measures taken in preparation for action, including the mathematics-science-technology commission's findings derived from a thorough analysis of the essential system components and factors affecting science, mathematics, engineering, and technical education;
(c) Specific objectives, including, but not limited to, increasing student participation and achievement in mathematics, science, and technology education at all grade and ability levels and increasing public awareness about mathematics, science, and technology instruction and issues;
(d) The results and benefits expected from the plan, including increased student access to and participation in math and science courses and the evaluation and redesigning of math and science instruction;
(e) An agenda for action and experimentation which describes an explicit management and implementation structure, confronts obstacles to change, and achieves planned improvements;
(f) The proposed development of a network of unique schools to develop and refine systemic change in mathematics, science, and technology education with an ultimate purpose of increasing the effectiveness for children;
(g) Long-term commitments to action specifically describing the commitment made by the officers, offices, agencies, groups, and systems making up the statewide partnership;
(h) The past and planned efforts made to increase public awareness and understanding of the urgent need to support improvements in mathematics, science, and technology education;
(i) A description of certain components of systemic change to be integrated into plans for mathematics, science, and technology education initiatives, including but not limited to the following:
(I) Organizational structure and decision-making;
(II) Provision and allocation of resources;
(III) Recruitment and preparation of teachers and college faculty;
(IV) Retention and continuing professional development of teachers and other professional personnel;
(V) Curriculum content and learning goals;
(VI) Delivery of instruction, including the use of educational technology;
(VII) Assessment of student achievement;
(VIII) Facilities and equipment;
(IX) Articulation within the system; and
(X) Accountability systems;
(j) The past and planned efforts made to restructure teacher education programs for higher education to ensure that all students shall have strong mathematics, science, and technology competencies; and
(k) The use of advanced technology to improve distance learning capabilities for rural and urban schools including, but not limited to, carrying mathematics, science, and technology courses on the state's existing telecommunications networks and those to be expanded or developed.