(1) If any person holding a license issued by the Colorado podiatry board divides any fee or compensation received or charged for services rendered by him or her as such licensee or agrees to divide any such fee or compensation with any person, firm, association, or corporation as pay or compensation to such other person for sending or bringing any patient or other person to such licensee, or for recommending such licensee to any person, or for being instrumental in any manner in causing any person to engage such licensee in his or her professional capacity; or if any such licensee shall either directly or indirectly pay or compensate or agree to pay or compensate any person, firm, association, or corporation for sending or bringing any patient or other person to such licensee for examination or treatment, or for recommending such licensee to any person, or for being instrumental in causing any person to engage such licensee in his or her professional capacity; or if any such licensee, in his or her professional capacity and in his or her own name or behalf, shall make or present a bill or request a payment for services rendered by any person other than the licensee, such licensee commits a class 3 misdemeanor and shall be punished as provided in section 18-1.3-501, C.R.S.
(2) Repealed.