(1) The board has the power and duty to:
(a) Elect annually from among its members a chair and prescribe the duties of such office;
(b) Make such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of this state, as may be necessary for the orderly conduct of its affairs and for the administration of this article, pursuant to the provisions of article 4 of title 24, C.R.S.;
(c) Make appropriate rules of professional conduct in order to establish and maintain a high standard of integrity in the profession of public accounting. Any rule of professional conduct applies with equal force to all persons holding certificates under this article. No rule of professional conduct shall be promulgated which will work to the disadvantage of one group and in favor of another. Every person practicing as a certified public accountant in the state shall be governed and controlled by such rules. All rules of professional conduct shall be promulgated pursuant to the provisions of article 4 of title 24, C.R.S.
(d) to (f) Repealed.
(g) Prescribe forms for and receive applications for certificates and grant certificates, including contracting with people to receive and review the applications as the agent of the board;
(h) Give examinations to applicants and, as necessary, contract for assistance in administering the examination;
(i) Deny the issuance or renewal of, suspend for a specified period, or revoke a certificate; issue a letter of admonition to or place on probation or fine any person who, while holding a certificate, violates this article; issue confidential letters of concern; issue cease-and-desist orders; or impose other conditions and limitations;
(j) Keep a record of all certificates, suspensions, and revocations and of its own proceedings;
(k) Administer this article and exercise and perform any other powers and duties granted or directed by the general assembly;
(l) Collect all fees prescribed by this article.
(m) Repealed.
(2) Publications of the board circulated in quantity outside the executive branch shall be issued in accordance with the provisions of section 24-1-136, C.R.S.