The classifications heretofore established by the secretary for the rivers or segments of rivers included in the system are revised and adopted as follows:
Klamath River: The Klamath River from the
FERC Project 2082 downstream boundaryin Section 17 T47N R5W as shown onExhibit K-7 sheet 1 dated May 25, 1962, tothe river mouth at the Pacific Ocean
Scott River:
The Scott River from Shackleford Creek toMcCarthy Creek
The Scott River from McCarthy Creek toScott Bar
The Scott River from Scott Bar to theconfluence with the Klamath River
Salmon River:
The Salmon River from the Forks ofSalmon to the Lewis Creek confluence
The Salmon River from the Lewis Creekconfluence to the Wooley Creek confluence
The Salmon River from the Wooley Creekconfluence to the confluence with theKlamath River
The South Fork of the Salmon River fromCecilville to St. Claire Creek confluence
The South Fork from St. Claire Creekconfluence to the Matthews Creekconfluence
The South Fork from Matthews Creekconfluence to the Forks of Salmon
The North Fork of the Salmon River fromMarble Mountain Wilderness boundary toMule Bridge Campground in Section 35T12N R11W and Section 12 T11N R11W
The North Fork from Mule BridgeCampground to the Forks of Salmon
Wooley Creek from the Marble MountainWilderness Area boundary to1/2 mileupstream of the confluence with SalmonRiver
Wooley Creek downstream1/2 mile abovethe confluence with the Salmon River
Trinity River:
The Trinity River from 100 yards belowLewiston Dam to Cedar Flat Creekconfluence
The Trinity River from Cedar Flat Creekconfluence to Gray Falls
The Trinity River from Gray Falls to thewest boundary of Section 2 T8N R4E
The Trinity River from the west boundaryof Section 2 T8N R4E to the confluencewith the Klamath River at Weitchpec
The North Fork of the Trinity River fromthe Trinity Alps Primitive Area boundary tonorth boundary Section 20 T34N R11W
The North Fork from the north boundarySection 20 T34N R11W to mouth
The South Fork Trinity River from ForestGlen to Hidden Valley Ranch
The South Fork from Hidden Valley Ranchto the Naufus Creek confluence in Section 8T1N R7E
The South Fork from the Naufus Creekconfluence in Section 8 T1N R7E toJohnson Creek confluence near theboundary of Sections 13 and 14 T2N R6E
The South Fork from Johnson Creekconfluence near the boundary of Sections 13and 14 T2N R6E to the boundary ofSections 25 and 36 T2N R6E
The South Fork from the boundary ofSections 25 and 36 T2N R6E to thefootbridge near the mouth of UnderwoodCreek in Section 17 T4N R6E HumboldtBase and Meridian
The South Fork from the footbridge near themouth of Underwood Creek in Section 17T4N R6E to Todd Ranch in Section 18 T5NR5E
The South Fork from Todd Ranch in Section18 T5N R5E to the confluence with MainTrinity
New River from the Salmon TrinityPrimitive Area boundary to the junctionwith the East Fork New River in Section 23T7N R7E
New River from the junction with the EastFork New River in Section 23 T7N R7E to100 yards below Panther CreekCampground in Section 18 T6N R7E
New River from 100 yards below PantherCreek Campground in Section 18 T6N R7Eto Dyer Creek confluence in Section 25T26N R6E
New River from Dyer Creek confluence inSection 25 T26N R6E to the confluencewith Trinity River
Smith River:
Smith River from the confluence of theMiddle and South Forks to its mouth at thePacific Ocean
Middle Fork Smith River from its sourceabout 3 miles south of Sanger Lake asdepicted on 1956 USGS 15´ “Preston Peak”topographic map to the middle of Section 7T17N R5E
Middle Fork Smith River from the middleof Section 7 T17N R5E to the middle ofSection 6 T17N R5E
Middle Fork Smith River from middle ofSection 6 T17N R5E to one-half mileupstream from the confluence with KnopkiCreek
Middle Fork Smith River from one-halfmile upstream from the confluence withKnopki Creek to the confluence with SouthFork Smith River
Myrtle Creek from its source in Section 9T17N R1E as depicted on 1952 USGS 15´“Crescent City” topographic map to themiddle of Section 28 T17N R1E
Myrtle Creek from the middle of Section 28T17N R1E to the confluence with theMiddle Fork Smith River
Shelly Creek from its source in Section 1T18N R3E as depicted on 1951 USGS 15´“Gasquet” topographic map to theconfluence with Patrick Creek
Kelly Creek from its source in Section 32T17N R3E as depicted on 1951 USGS 15´“Gasquet” topographic map to theconfluence with the Middle Fork SmithRiver
Packsaddle Creek from its source about 0.8miles southwest of Broken Rib Mountain asdepicted on 1956 USGS 15´ “Preston Peak”topographic map to the eastern boundary ofSection 3 T17N R1E
Packsaddle Creek from the easternboundary of Section 3 T17N R4E to thenorthern boundary of Section 3 T17N R4E
Packsaddle Creek from the northernboundary of Section 3 T17N R4E to theconfluence with the Middle Fork of SmithRiver
East Fork Patrick Creek from its source inSection 10 T18N R3E as depicted on 1951USGS 15´ “Gasquet” topographic map tothe confluence with the West Fork PatrickCreek
West Fork Patrick Creek from its source inSection 18 T18N R3E as depicted on 1951USGS 15´ “Gasquet” topographic map tothe confluence with the East Fork PatrickCreek
Griffin Creek from its source about 0.2miles southwest of Hazel View Summit asdepicted on 1956 USGS 15´ “Preston Peak”topographic map to the confluence with theMiddle Fork Smith River
Knopki Creek from its source about 0.4miles west of Sanger Peak as depicted on1956 USGS 15´ “Preston Peak” topographicmap to the confluence with the Middle ForkSmith River
Monkey Creek from its source in thenortheast quadrant of Section 12 T18N R3Eas depicted on 1951 USGS 15´ “Gasquet”topographic map to the northern boundaryof Section 26 T18N R3E
Monkey Creek from the northern boundaryof Section 26 T18N R3E to the confluencewith the Middle Fork of Smith River
Patrick Creek from the junction of East andWest Forks of Patrick Creek to theconfluence with the Middle Fork SmithRiver
North Fork Smith River from theCalifornia-Oregon boundary to theconfluence with an unnamed tributary in thenorthern quarter Section 5 T18N R2E asdepicted on 1951 USGS 15´ “Gasquet”topographic map
North Fork Smith River from theconfluence with an unnamed tributary in thenorthern quarter of Section 5 T18N R2E tothe southernmost intersection of theeastern boundary of Section 5 T18N R2Eas depicted on 1951 USGS 15´ “Gasquet”topographic map
North Fork Smith River from thesouthernmost intersection of the easternboundary Section 5 T18N R2E as depictedon 1951 USGS 15´ “Gasquet” topographicmap to the confluence with Stony Creek
North Fork Smith River from theconfluence with Stony Creek to theconfluence with the Middle Fork of theSmith River
Diamond Creek from the California-Oregonstate boundary to the confluence with HighPlateau Creek
Diamond Creek from the confluence withHigh Plateau Creek to the confluence withthe North Fork Smith River
Bear Creek from its source in Section 24T18N R2E as depicted on 1951 USGS 15´“Gasquet” topographic map to theconfluence with Diamond Creek
Still Creek from its source in Section 11T18N R1E as depicted on 1952 USGS 15´“Crescent City” topographic map to theconfluence with the North Fork Smith River
North Fork Diamond Creek from theCalifornia-Oregon state boundary to theconfluence with Diamond Creek
High Plateau Creek from its source inSection 26 T18N R2E as depicted on 1951USGS 15´ “Gasquet” topographic map tothe northern boundary Section 23 T18NR2E
High Plateau Creek from the northernboundary Section 23 T18N R2E to theconfluence with Diamond Creek
Siskiyou Fork of Smith River from itssource about 0.7 miles southeast of BrokenRib Mountain as depicted on 1956 USGS15´ “Preston Peak” topographic map to theconfluence with the South Siskiyou Fork ofthe Smith River
Siskiyou Fork of the Smith River from theconfluence with the South Siskiyou Fork ofthe Smith River to the confluence with theMiddle Fork of the Smith River
South Siskiyou Fork of the Smith Riverfrom its source about 0.6 miles southwest ofBuck Lake as depicted on 1956 USGS 15´“Preston Peak” topographic map to theconfluence with the Siskiyou Fork of theSmith River
South Fork Smith River from its sourceabout 0.5 miles southwest of Bear Mountainas depicted on 1956 USGS 15´ “PrestonPeak” topographic map to Blackhawk Bar
South Fork Smith River from BlackhawkBar to the confluence with the Middle ForkSmith River
Williams Creek from its source in Section31 T14N R4E as depicted on 1952 USGS15´ “Ship Mountain” topographic map tothe confluence with Eight Mile Creek
Eight Mile Creek from its source in Section29 T14N R4E as depicted on 1955 USGS15´ “Dillon Mtn.” topographic map to theconfluence with the South Fork Smith River
Prescott Fork of the Smith River from itssource about 0.5 miles southeast of IslandLake as depicted on 1955 USGS 15´“Dillon Mtn.” topographic map to theconfluence with the South Fork Smith River
Quartz Creek from its source in Section 31T16N R4E as depicted on 1952 USGS 15´“Ship Mountain” topographic map to theconfluence with the South Fork Smith River
Jones Creek from its source in Section 36T16N R3E as depicted on 1952 USGS 15´“Ship Mountain” topographic map to themiddle of Section 5 T15N R3E
Jones Creek from the middle of Section 5T15N R3E to the confluence with the SouthFork of the Smith River
Hurdygurdy Creek from its source about 0.4miles southwest of Bear Basin Butte asdepicted on 1956 USGS 15´ “Preston Peak”topographic map to the confluence with theSouth Fork Smith River
Gordon Creek from its source in Section 18T16N R3E as depicted on 1951 USGS 15´“Gasquet” topographic map to theconfluence with the South Fork Smith River
Coon Creek from the junction of the twosource tributaries in the southwest quadrantof Section 31 T17N R3E as depicted on1951 USGS 15´ “Gasquet” topographicmap to the western boundary of Section 14T16N R2E
Coon Creek from the western boundary ofSection 14 T16N R2E to the confluencewith the South Fork Smith River
Craigs Creek from its source in Section 36T17N R2E as depicted on 1951 USGS 15´“Gasquet” topographic map to theconfluence with the South Fork Smith River
Buck Creek from its source at Cedar CampSpring as depicted on 1952 USGS 15´“Ship Mountain” topographic map to theconfluence with the South Fork Smith River
Muzzleloader Creek from its source inSection 2 T15N R3E as depicted on 1952USGS 15´ “Ship Mountain” topographicmap to the confluence with Jones Creek
Canthook Creek from its source in Section 2T15N R2E as depicted on 1952 USGS 15´“Ship Mountain” topographic map to theconfluence with the South Fork Smith River
Eel River:
The Eel River from 100 yards below VanArsdale Dam to the confluence with TomkiCreek
The Eel River from the confluence withTomki Creek to the middle of Section 22T19N R12W
The Eel River from the middle of Section22 T19N R12W to the boundary betweenSections 7 and 8 T19N R12W
The Eel River from the boundary betweenSections 7 and 8 T19N R12W to theconfluence with Outlet Creek
The Eel River from the confluence withOutlet Creek to the mouth at the PacificOcean
The South Fork of the Eel River from themouth of Section Four Creek nearBranscomb
The South Fork of the Eel River fromHorseshoe Bend to the middle of Section 29T23N R16W
The South Fork of the Eel River from themiddle of Section 29 T23N R16W to theconfluence with the main Eel near Weott
Middle Fork of the Eel River from theintersection of the river with the southernboundary of the Middle Eel-Yolla BollyWilderness Area to the Eel River RangerStation
The Middle Fork of the Eel River from EelRiver Ranger Station to Williams Creek
The Middle Fork of the Eel River fromWilliams Creek to the southern boundary ofthe northern quarter of Section 25 T22NR12W
The Middle Fork of the Eel River from thesouthern boundary of the northern quarter ofSection 25 T22N R12W to the boundarybetween Sections 4 and 5 T21N R13W
The Middle Fork of the Eel River from theboundary between Sections 4 and 5 T21NR13W to the confluence with main Eel atDos Rios
The North Fork of the Eel River from theOld Gilman Ranch to the middle of Section8 T24N R13W
The North Fork of the Eel River from themiddle of Section 8 T24N R13W to theboundary between Sections 12 and 13 T24NR14W
The North Fork of the Eel River from theboundary between Sections 12 and 13 T24NR14W to the confluence with main Eel
Van Duzen River:
The Van Duzen River from theDinsmore Bridge to the powerline crossingabove Little Larribee Creek
The Van Duzen River from the powerlinecrossing above Little Larribee Creek to theconfluence with Eel River
Lower American River: The Lower Ameri-
can River from Nimbus Dam to its junctionwith the Sacramento River
North Fork American River:
The North Fork from the source of theNorth Fork American River to two andone-half miles above the Forest Hill-SodaSprings Road
The North Fork from two and one-halfmiles above the Forest Hill-Soda SpringsRoad to one-half mile below the ForestHill-Soda Springs Road
The North Fork from one-half mile belowthe Forest Hill-Soda Springs Road toone-quarter mile above the Iowa HillBridge
The North Fork from one-quarter mileabove the Iowa Hill Bridge to the Iowa HillBridge
West Walker River:
West Walker River from Tower Lake tonorthern boundary of Section 10 (T5N,R22E)
West Walker River From northern boundaryof Section 10 (T5N, R22E) to the easternboundary of Section 23 (T6N, R22E)
West Walker River from the easternboundary of Section 23 (T6N, R22E) to theeastern boundary of Section 24 (T6N,R22E)
West Walker River from the easternboundary of Section 24 (T6N, R22E) to theconfluence with Little Walker River
West Walker River from the confluencewith Little Walker River to the confluencewith Rock Creek
Leavitt Creek from Leavitt Falls to theconfluence with West Walker River
East Fork Carson River: East Fork
Carson River from Hangman’s Bridgecrossing of state Highway 89 to theCalifornia-Nevada border
(1) The South Yuba River:
(A) The South Yuba River from LangCrossing to the confluence withFall Creek
(B) The South Yuba River from theconfluence with Fall Creek to theconfluence with Jefferson Creekbelow the Town of Washington
(C) The South Yuba River from theconfluence with Jefferson Creekto Edwards Crossing
(D) The South Yuba River fromEdwards Crossing to itsconfluence with Kentucky Creekbelow Bridgeport
This subdivision shall become operativeJanuary 1, 2001.
Albion River: The Albion River from one-fourth
mile upstream of its confluence withDeadman Gulch downstream to its mouth atthe Pacific Ocean
Gualala River: The main stem Gualala
River from the confluence of the North andSouth Forks to the Pacific Ocean
Cache Creek:
North Fork Section:From Highway 20 two miles downstream tothe confluence of Cache Creek and the NorthFork Cache Creek
Mainstem Section:
(A) 1/4mile downstream of Cache CreekDam to the confluence with Davis Creek
(B) Davis Creek confluence to 1 miledownstream of Davis Creek confluence
(C) 1 mile downstream of Davis Creek confluence to western boundary ofSection 6 T12N R4W
(D) Western boundary of Section 6to the confluence with Bear Creek
(E) Bear Creek confluence to CampHaswell
Segment A1: North Fork Mokelumne River from 0.50 miles downstream of the Salt Springs Dam to Bear River confluence
Segment A2: North Fork Mokelumne River from the Bear River confluence to 0.50 miles upstream of the Tiger Creek Powerhouse
Segment B: North Fork Mokelumne River from 1,000 feet downstream of the Tiger Creek Afterbay Dam to State Highway Route 26 (SR-26)
Segment C1: North Fork Mokelumne River from 400 feet downstream of the small reregulating dam at the outlet of the West Point Powerhouse to the southern boundary of Section 12, T6N R12E
Segment C2: Section 12 boundary to confluence of the North and Middle Forks Mokelumne River
Segment D: Mokelumne River from the confluence of the North and Middle Forks to 300 feet upstream of the Electra Powerhouse
Segment E: Mokelumne River from 300 feet downstream of the small reregulating dam downstream of the Electra Powerhouse to the Pardee Reservoir flood surcharge pool at 580 feet elevation above mean sea level
(Amended by Stats. 2018, Ch. 51, Sec. 24. (SB 854) Effective June 27, 2018.)