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CHAPTER 4 - Financial Affairs
CHAPTER 4 - Financial Affairs
ARTICLE 1 - Investment of Surplus
ARTICLE 1.5 - Health Fund Investments
ARTICLE 2 - Deposit of Funds
ARTICLE 2.5 - Sale of Securities
ARTICLE 3 - Federal Aid
ARTICLE 3.5 - Proceeds of Taxes
ARTICLE 3.6 - Public Library Special Taxes
ARTICLE 3.7 - Voter Approval of Taxes
ARTICLE 3.8 - Hospital Districts: Special Taxes
ARTICLE 4 - Capital Outlay Fund
ARTICLE 4.3 - Local Levies
ARTICLE 4.5 - Tort Liability Fund
ARTICLE 4.6 - Proposition 218 Omnibus Implementation Act
ARTICLE 5 - Bankruptcy
ARTICLE 6 - Exceeding the Budget
ARTICLE 6.5 - Building Certificates
ARTICLE 7 - Temporary Borrowing
ARTICLE 7.4 - Securitized Limited Obligations Notes
ARTICLE 7.5 - Alternate Procedure for Temporary Borrowing
ARTICLE 7.6 - Temporary Borrowing
ARTICLE 7.7 - Grant Anticipation Notes
ARTICLE 8 - Delinquent Assessment Acquisition and Sales Law of 1915
ARTICLE 8.5 - Notification of Subordinate Interests
ARTICLE 9 - Financial Reports
ARTICLE 10 - Local Filing of Financial Reports
ARTICLE 10.5 - Local Agency Internet Posting of Financial Information
ARTICLE 11 - Payment of Claims
ARTICLE 11.5 - Destruction of Bonds Previously Paid and Canceled
ARTICLE 12 - Proceeds of Sale for Taxes or Assessments
ARTICLE 13 - Priority of Special Assessment Liens
ARTICLE 13.5 - Payment and Apportionment of Special Assessment Liens
ARTICLE 14 - Pleasure Riding Tax
ARTICLE 15 - District Revolving Funds
ARTICLE 16 - Police and Fire Protection Funds
ARTICLE 17 - Community Facilities Plan
ARTICLE 18 - Local Tax Allocation Agreements to Implement Community Facilities Plan
ARTICLE 18.5 - Division of Property Taxes
ARTICLE 19 - Obligation of Contract