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CHAPTER 2 - Officers and Employees
CHAPTER 2 - Officers and Employees
ARTICLE 1 - Group Insurance
ARTICLE 1.1 - Deferred Compensation
ARTICLE 1.5 - Pension Trusts
ARTICLE 1.6 - Health Insurance Purchasing Alliance
ARTICLE 1.7 - Local District Bonds
ARTICLE 1.8 - Eligibility for Office
ARTICLE 2 - Purchase of United States Bonds
ARTICLE 2.3 - Compensation
ARTICLE 2.4 - Ethics Training
ARTICLE 2.4.5 - Sexual Harassment Prevention Training and Education
ARTICLE 2.5 - Replacing or Repairing Property of Employees
ARTICLE 2.6 - Abuse of Office
ARTICLE 2.7 - Salary Warrants and Checks
ARTICLE 2.8 - Comparable Pay
ARTICLE 3 - Firemen s Vacations
ARTICLE 3.5 - Employment Contracts
ARTICLE 3.7 - Employment of Firefighters
ARTICLE 4 - Transfer of Public Functions
ARTICLE 4.5 - Disclosure of Information: Local Government