(1) Be accessible to:
(A) Authorized personnel of the Department of Finance and Administration by direct inquiry;
(B) The courts, insurers, law enforcement, and offices of the licensing officials charged with motor vehicle registration and titling responsibilities through authorized personnel of the department; and
(C) Insurance companies on a limited basis as required to operate the online insurance verification system;
(A) Have the ability to verify, on a twenty-four-hours-per-day, seven-days-per-week basis, minus permitted down time for system maintenance as prescribed by the advisory group established under § 27-22-203, the insurance status of a motor vehicle via the internet, or similar electronic system consistent with the insurance industry and Insurance Industry Committee on Motor Vehicle Administration recommendations and the specifications and standards of the Insurance Industry Committee on Motor Vehicle Administration model updated January 3, 2017, or later models as recommended by the advisory group and adopted by the department.
(B) The online insurance verification system shall include any additional features required by Arkansas law which may not be included in the Insurance Industry Committee on Motor Vehicle Administration model;
(3) Be able to access insurers by using multiple keys for greater matching accuracy, including without limitation:
(A) The National Association of Insurance Commissioners insurer number assigned by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners;
(B) The motor vehicle identification number;
(C) The policy number; and
(D) Other key or keys specified by the advisory group;
(4) Provide data security for the type of information transferred as prescribed by the advisory group; and
(5) Utilize open and agreed to data and data transmission standards and standard schema as specified by the advisory group.