(1) Each domestic refiner, importer, exporter, supplier, or distributor taking possession of fuels within the State of Arkansas for delivery without the state shall be licensed and bonded by the Motor Fuel Tax Section of the Department of Finance and Administration.
(2) Failure to obtain a license as required by the Motor Fuel Tax Law, § 26-55-201 et seq., or the Special Motor Fuels Tax Law, § 26-56-101 et seq., or other pertinent law, shall constitute a violation of that law and the person shall be subject to the penalties set forth in § 26-55-603.
(1) Each domestic refiner, importer, exporter, supplier, or distributor taking possession of fuels within this state shall include the license number of each licensed distributor or special fuels supplier on each cargo manifest, bill of lading, delivery ticket, or other document.
(2) The failure to so include the license number shall constitute a violation of this subchapter and shall be punishable in accordance with the provisions of § 26-55-603.
(c) Persons taking delivery at river ports, as defined in § 26-55-601, shall have the responsibility of complying with all the provisions of this subchapter and are subject to the applicable penalties.
(d) Domestic refiners, importers, exporters, suppliers, or distributors of fuels and other accounts acquiring fuels from without the state for delivery within the state shall be licensed pursuant to the laws of this state and subject to all provisions contained in this subchapter and are subject to the applicable penalties and fines set out by § 26-55-603.