(a) The Office of Health Information Technology shall coordinate the health information technology initiatives of the state with relevant executive branch agencies, including without limitation state boards, commissions, nonprofit corporations, and institutions of higher education.
(b) The Office of Health Information Technology Coordinator shall be selected and serve in a manner prescribed by the Director of the Department of Health.
(c) The office shall:
(1) Assure the effective coordination and collaboration of health information technology planning, development, implementation, and financing;
(2) Review all health information technology-related grant applications before submission to funding entities;
(3) Accept, receive, retain, disburse, and administer any state special or general revenue funds or federal funds specifically appropriated for health information technology;
(4) Make contracts and execute all instruments necessary or convenient for carrying out its business;
(5) Recommend to the State Board of Health regarding rules necessary to carry out the policies and objectives of this chapter;
(6) Plan, establish, and operate the State Health Alliance for Records Exchange until the time when the operational responsibility and authority for the State Health Alliance for Records Exchange is transferred to a nonprofit corporation; and
(A) Establish reasonable fees or charges for the use of the State Health Alliance for Records Exchange to fund the operational costs of the State Health Alliance for Records Exchange and the office.
(B) Fees or charges established under subdivision (c)(7)(A) of this section shall be set with the input and guidance of the users of the State Health Alliance for Records Exchange, stakeholders, and other interested parties.
(C) Fees or charges established under subdivision (c)(7)(A) of this section shall not exceed the total cost of operating the State Health Alliance for Records Exchange, not including staffing costs for the State Health Alliance for Records Exchange and the office.
(D) Users of data under this chapter shall be charged in a manner that is proportional to their use of the State Health Alliance for Records Exchange.
(E) Revenue generated by the fees or charges under subdivision (c)(7) of this section shall be deposited into the Health Information Technology Fund, § 19-5-1244.