(1) The Office of the Arkansas Lottery may purchase, lease, or lease-purchase goods or services as necessary for effectuating the purposes of this chapter.
(2) The office may make procurements that integrate functions, including without limitation:
(A) Lottery design;
(B) Ticket distribution to retailers;
(C) Supply of goods and services; and
(D) Advertising.
(3) In all procurement decisions, the office shall:
(A) Take into account the particularly sensitive nature of lotteries; and
(B) Act to promote and ensure:
(i) Security, honesty, fairness, and integrity in the operation and administration of lotteries; and
(ii) The objectives of raising net proceeds for the benefit of scholarships and grants.
(b) Except as provided in subsections (c) and (d) of this section, the office shall comply with the Arkansas Procurement Law, § 19-11-201 et seq.
(1) The office shall adopt rules concerning the procurement process for major procurement contracts.
(2) The office shall arrange for the solicitation and receipt of competitive bids for major procurement contracts.
(3) Except for printing, stationery, and supplies under Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 54, the office is not required to accept the lowest responsible bid for major procurement contracts but shall select a bid that provides the greatest long-term benefit to the state, the greatest integrity for the office, and the best service and products for the public.
(d) In any bidding process, the office may administer its own bidding and procurement or may utilize the services of the Department of Finance and Administration.
(1) Each proposed major procurement contract and each amendment or modification to a proposed or executed major procurement contract shall be filed with the Legislative Council for review at least thirty (30) days before the execution date of the major procurement contract or the amendment or modification to a proposed or executed major procurement contract.
(2) The Legislative Council shall provide the office with its review as to the propriety of the major procurement contract and each amendment or modification to a proposed or executed major procurement contract within thirty (30) days after receipt of the proposed major procurement contract or the amendment or modification to a proposed or executed major procurement contract.