(1) There is created the Arkansas Governor's Mansion Commission to be composed of nine (9) members.
(2) (A) Eight (8) of the members shall:
(i) Be appointed by the Governor; and
(ii) Serve at the pleasure of the Governor.
(B) Each congressional district shall be represented by membership on the commission.
(3) The Director of the Department of Arkansas Heritage shall serve as an ex officio voting member of the commission.
(b) The Governor shall designate one (1) member of the commission as chair.
(c) If a vacancy occurs by reason of resignation or otherwise, the Governor shall appoint a member to fill that vacancy.
(d) The members of the commission shall receive no salary or other compensation for their services except that members appointed by the Governor may receive expense reimbursement in accordance with § 25-16-901 et seq. for attending meetings of the commission.
(e) Meetings of the commission may be called by the chair or the Governor upon at least three (3) days' written notice to the other members of the commission, to the Governor, and to the members of the Mansion Advisory Council created by § 22-3-806.
(f) The commission shall meet at least one (1) time each year.