(1) Breast cancer, according to the American Cancer Society, is the second leading cause of death among women in the United States;
(2) One (1) American woman in ten (10) will develop breast cancer in her lifetime;
(3) Mammography provides the earliest detection of breast cancer;
(4) Screening using mammography can significantly cut the death rate of women with breast cancer, especially for women with small tumors that have not invaded the lymph nodes and who have a ninety percent (90%) chance of surviving at least five (5) years when such tumors are diagnosed and removed;
(5) Both the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute have developed age and frequency guidelines for mammogram screening, and those guidelines have been incorporated in this subchapter; and
(6) Therefore it is in the best interest for the general health and welfare of the people of the State of Arkansas that legislation be enacted encouraging health insurance coverage for screening mammography.