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U.S. State Codes
Title 2 - Agriculture
Subtitle 2 - Agronomy
Chapter 15 - General Provis...
Subchapter 3 - Grain, Soybean, and Peanut Owner...
Subchapter 3 - Grain, Soybean, and Peanut Owner's Lien Act
§ 2-15-301. Title
§ 2-15-302. Definitions
§ 2-15-303. Grain, soybeans, or peanuts lien
§ 2-15-304. Perfection of grain, soybean, or peanut lien
§ 2-15-305. Commingled grain, soybeans, or peanuts -- Priority
§ 2-15-306. Transfer of lien -- Priority
§ 2-15-307. Lien priority generally
§ 2-15-308. Applicability
§ 2-15-309. Waiver, relinquishment, or release of lien prohibited
§ 2-15-310. Lien expiration -- Action on an owner's lien
§ 2-15-311. Preference