(1) All new or additional federal funds or new or additional state funds under the Arkansas Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, § 15-4-3701 et seq., expended by the benefiting agency under the authority of any appropriation provided by the General Assembly for such purposes and transferred through the provisions and procedures established in this section shall be deposited into, and expended from, the State Treasury;
(A) Appropriations authorized by the General Assembly for such purpose and transferred pursuant to the procedures set out in this section shall be strictly used for the expenditure of the Arkansas Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, § 15-4-3701 et seq., grant-in-aid moneys or other federal grant-in-aid moneys received, reimbursements from the federal government, and local or private funds designated as matching funds for these federal projects.
(B) Amounts appropriated under subdivision (2)(A) of this section shall be deposited into the State Treasury for the benefit of the State of Arkansas, or any of its agencies, for use in emergency relief needs or for the operation of any Arkansas Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, § 15-4-3701 et seq., or its successor's, programs or any other programs approved by the federal government for which no appropriations or insufficient appropriations were provided elsewhere for such purposes;
(A) Additional positions authorized under § 19-7-502 shall be paid from the Arkansas Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, § 15-4-3701 et seq., funds deposited into the State Treasury for that specific Arkansas Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, § 15-4-3701 et seq., or its successor's, program as may be authorized through the provisions of this subchapter or from federal, local, or private funds deposited into the State Treasury for that specific federal program as may be authorized through this subchapter.
(B) However, general, special, trust, or miscellaneous state funds may not be used for the purpose of paying salaries of the positions so authorized;
(4) The Chief Fiscal Officer of the State may promulgate rules he or she may deem necessary and proper in order to carry out this subchapter;
(5) Sections 19-4-1807 and 19-4-1901, or their successors, that establish the federal grants, aid, and reimbursements procedures and federal funds procedures of the General Accounting and Budgetary Procedures Law, § 19-4-101 et seq., shall be strictly complied with;
(6) Unless provided elsewhere, all federal funds received by state agencies, departments, boards, and commissions benefiting from the establishment of the biennial operations appropriation acts authorized by the General Assembly for new federal or Arkansas Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, § 15-4-3701 et seq., or its successor's, programs shall be deposited into the State Treasury, except when such deposit is expressly prohibited, in writing, as a condition for approval of the grant or reimbursement by the federal grant or agency; and
(7) An appropriation as authorized by the General Assembly for new federal or Arkansas Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, § 15-4-3701 et seq., or its successor's, programs that the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State transfers or causes to be transferred to the various agencies shall not be utilized for entering into or making payments for personal service contracts.