(a) If new or additional federal funds, new or additional Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, or its successor's, funds, or changes in state use of appropriations for programs combined into block grants from the federal government become necessary, or if new federal programs or new Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, or its successor's, programs are initiated that are not authorized or contemplated in the biennial operations appropriation act for the benefiting state agency and such changes make it necessary that the benefiting state agency employ additional personnel or require additional appropriations to expend these funds in order to carry out the objectives of the federal programs or to meet federal requirements, then the head of the affected state agency is authorized to request the approval of the Governor and the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State, as provided in this section, for additional appropriations of one (1) or more new or additional salaried positions to be utilized by that respective agency. The salary rates for these positions are not to exceed the highest maximum annual salary rate or the highest grade level position authorized in the salary schedule of the requesting agency's biennial appropriation act for operations, as governed by the Uniform Classification and Compensation Act, § 21-5-201 et seq., or its successor.
(b) In the case of those agencies, departments, or institutions, that are specifically exempt from the provisions of the Uniform Classification and Compensation Act, § 21-5-201 et seq., such new or additional employees shall be established at salary rates not to exceed the maximum established in the salary schedule of the biennial operations appropriation act for the respective agency for comparable positions. In no event shall the additional positions exceed the maximum number of positions authorized for the agency in the biennial appropriation act for operations.
(c) Whenever the head of a state agency deems it necessary to establish such new or additional appropriations or positions as authorized in this section, he or she shall file with the Governor a written report accompanied by necessary supporting documents. These documents shall set forth the facts, justifications, and circumstances that necessitate such appropriations, the maximum number of positions sought, the titles thereof, and the maximum annual salary rate to be paid each position, a complete line item operations budget for the program, a statement of the expected duration into future years of the federal funds, and whether or not the program is anticipated to eventually be supported either in part or in whole by state revenues.
(d) Upon receipt of the report and supporting documents, for unanticipated miscellaneous federal grants, excluding the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act or its successor, the Governor or the Governor's designee shall study it. If he or she shall determine that the new or additional positions or appropriations are being sought in strict compliance with this subchapter, the Governor, after seeking the advice of the Legislative Council or the Joint Budget Committee, may approve or modify the request for such additional or new positions or appropriations as, in his or her judgment, he or she deems necessary. He or she shall forward a copy thereof to the head of the requesting agency and the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State. Upon receipt thereof, the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State shall direct the Auditor of State and the Treasurer of State to establish upon their books of record the necessary appropriation accounts in accordance with the provisions as set out in this section and the applicable classifications of appropriations as enumerated in §§ 19-4-520 -- 19-4-525 as amended, or its successor, and in accordance with any federal limitations as may be applicable to the funds which are available.