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U.S. State Codes
Title 16 - Practice, Proced...
Subtitle 2 - Courts and Cou...
Chapter 21 - Prosecuting At...
Subchapter 20 - Fifteenth Judicial District
Subchapter 20 - Fifteenth Judicial District
§ 16-21-2001. Legislative findings and intent
§ 16-21-2002. Office space and telephone expense -- Contingent expense allowance
§ 16-21-2003. Prosecutor's fees -- Collection, payment, and settlement -- Penalty for noncompliance
§ 16-21-2004. Prosecutor's assistants generally -- Salaries
§ 16-21-2005. Prosecutor's assistants -- Expenses
§ 16-21-2006. Payment of salaries and expenses
§ 16-21-2007. Additional employees -- Drug Law Enforcement Program grants