(1) Administer and disburse federal funds, grants, donations, and funds from public and private sources to carry out its responsibilities;
(2) Educate professionals, law enforcement, judges, state agencies, and victim services providers on:
(A) The role of the Arkansas Prosecuting Attorneys Association;
(B) The impact of crime on victims; and
(C) Prosecutor victim advocacy services;
(3) Maintain information on criminal justice information systems for prosecuting attorneys and victim services;
(4) Advise the Governor and the General Assembly as to the long-range and short-range goals and needs concerning crime rates and the criminal justice system and its impact on the victims of crime;
(5) Provide support, coordination, education, and technical assistance on issues of concern to prosecuting attorneys and crime victim services providers;
(6) Provide support, coordination, technical assistance, and training in accounting, programmatic, and service delivery to subgrantees;
(7) Establish peer-review panels in the course of the award and administration of grants; and
(8) Approve the expenditure of funds from the Law Enforcement and Prosecutor Drug Enforcement Training Fund.