(1) The Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission shall consist of fifteen (15) members.
(2) (A) (i) Nine (9) of the members shall be appointed by the Governor from persons with an interest in the preservation of natural areas, with two (2) members to be appointed from each congressional district and one (1) member to be appointed from the state at large.
(ii) One (1) member of the commission shall be a member of the board of directors of a levee or drainage district.
(iii) One (1) member shall be chosen from a list of five (5) persons jointly nominated by the Arkansas Farm Bureau Federation and the Agricultural Council of Arkansas.
(iv) One (1) member shall be appointed by the Governor from the state at large subject to confirmation by the Senate.
(v) One (1) member shall be appointed by the Governor after consulting the Arkansas Wildlife Federation and subject to confirmation by the Senate.
(B) Three (3) members shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives to serve at the pleasure of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(C) Three (3) members shall be appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate to serve at the pleasure of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
(b) Any successor appointments and appointments to vacancies on the commission shall be appointed in the same manner.
(c) Members appointed by the Governor shall serve terms of nine (9) years, and all members shall serve until their successors have been appointed and qualified.
(d) When an appointment is made to fill a vacancy, the appointment shall be for the remaining term of the position vacated.
(e) A member of the commission appointed by the Governor who has served two (2) consecutive full terms shall not be eligible for reappointment for a period of one (1) year following the expiration of the second full term.
(f) Members of the commission appointed by the Governor shall be subject to confirmation by the Senate.
(g) Members of the commission shall serve without compensation, except that they may receive expense reimbursement and stipends in accordance with § 25-16-901 et seq.
(h) In addition to the per diem, members shall be paid a mileage allowance equal to the rate designated for state employees for each mile in traveling from their homes and returning.