(1) Maintained permanently:
(A) Voter registration record files;
(B) Maps of election precincts from the county board of election commissioners;
(C) Certificates of election; and
(D) Ordinance election results; and
(A) Maintained for ten (10) years, after canceled, a person's voter registration record and reason for cancellation of a person's voter registration.
(B) Maintained for ten (10) years:
(i) Minutes of the board of election commissioners; and
(ii) Election files.
(C) Maintained for five (5) years:
(i) Petition, certificate, and notices for ordinance;
(ii) Political practice pledges;
(iii) Campaign contribution and expenditure sheets;
(iv) Code of ethics statements; and
(v) Financial disclosures.
(D) Maintained for two (2) years:
(i) Acknowledgement notices giving the disposition of a person's voter registration application;
(ii) Precinct voter registration lists prepared for each election;
(iii) Confirmation notices mailed by a county clerk to confirm a voter's change of residence or name;
(iv) Confirmation return cards received in response to a confirmation notice;
(v) Absentee ballot applications and lists, except where litigation follows or federal law governs; and
(vi) Voter registration cards; and
(E) Until an election is certified to the Secretary of State under § 7-5-701, all unused ballots.